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Everything posted by angrybadger76

  1. Hi George, Welcome Back to model making i have your book and it has been really helpful for a first time builder. atm I am ok with the white stuff however i have decided on my next build i will try a more realistic colour...i have managed to progress a bit more and i will post a picture in the next few days, john
  2. I also can recommend Alexander Kent and James Nelson, Ive recently started reading Seth Hunters books as well as David Donachie... just my few pounds worth john
  3. well i've managed to do a bit more, i'm having lots of fun its just time that is the problem lol
  4. hi guys, well i am progress slowly, i'e replaced the kits cannons with brass ones and ive ordered brass swivel guns too. so heres my progress so far
  5. thanks, what a wonderfull idea i think i will have to try that too john
  6. Hi everyone, progeress has been slow im trying to make my gun carriages as the kit ones are terrible.. however when i get a gun carriage right i wil post a picture john
  7. Well ive finally gotten around to spending some time on my model im not totally happy with the deck planking so i will remove the ones i dont like but it is a learning process and its very enjoyable too.
  8. hi Guys, well ive had a little progress ive managed to paint the bulkheads red and i'm starting to look at chalking the planks of the deck. so my question is is the Amati Master cut worth it? or anything else you could recommend? as i really would like square deck planks thanks john
  9. Hi, well ive finally managedto spend some time on my build, all the second plankings done however i do need to try and blend the false keel in a bit more, the only problem i had was the rear bulkhead seemed low so ive added a 1.5mm to the hight i just waiting for the filler to dry so i can blend it in. oh i just noticed the gun ports could do with a bit more work too lol
  10. HI Guys, sorry work has been busy so my progress has been slow, however i have managed to second plank both sides. however the Admiral has gone on holiday with the camera so i will post pictures when she comes back john
  11. really nice, im also going to pull up a chair to watch this ine keep up the good work john
  12. HI guys, thankyou i will be painting the hull and the limewood if alot easier to work with than the Walnut supplied with the kit. i will give it a little bit more sanding today and see how i get on. thanks for the help and encouragment john
  13. i have finally managed to spend a little time today second planking one side im not totally happy with the result and ive decided to see how the other side goes before i decide to remove itor not...
  14. Hi, well ive managed to do a little bit of work today on the second planking, I decided to cut the gun ports whilst the planks were still wet and i found it much easier to do. john
  15. Hi Thankyou for the tip regarding the forestay holes will drill those before i start my second planking, atm i am just checking to see if the gun will go through the ports without any problems so far they look ok. im going to build new gun carriages as i really dont like the look of the kit ones luckly i have the superdetailing the cutter Sherbourne book to help me. john
  16. Hi Everyone, This is my first ever Wooden model ship build so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I dont really have much spare time so it may end up taking a while to get done... Well i have first planked the hull and i used balsa filler blocks to assist me. However i am having a little bit of problems with the Walnut second planking i decided to plank over the gun ports and then drill/ cut them out with a sharp knife however this didnt really work so i have removed the planks as i was not happy with the result. Ive decided to replace the Walnut with lime wood as i now intend to paint the hull. Anyway this is were i have gotten too..
  17. hi Kester, yes i planked over the gun ports, and i wil do a build log today then
  18. Hiya everyone, im presently building Hms Sherbourne by Caldercraft and im on the second planking im too embaresed to do a build log, i could really do with some advice as i am having alot of problems when drilling the Gun ports the Walnut planks keeps splitting ive already removed two sets of planks. thanks for looking and advice john
  19. Hi Janet, wow what clean work im looking forward to seeing it finished john
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