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The video of 'La Belle' construction

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There's a great video by Bernard of a 3D build of "La Belle" following the Ancre plans. It's shown in the 3D build of Pandora by Jinyang.


It raises the question for me of whether anyone could start some practicum or set of instructions on this forum on how to develop such 3D builds. At the moment I only know of one tutorial on the web about 3D modelling of wooden sailing ships and that is restricted to the creation of a hull shape. Are there any others around?


However, there were two things that interested me about the build of "La Belle":


The first is that the garboard plank and the one immediately above merge directly into the rudder rather than the keel, thus making the lowermost gudgeons of the rudder having to be bolted directly to the upper of the two planks.


The second is that the gunport covers open sideways.


Does anyone know if these were normal practice on French ships of the period?



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At the moment I only know of one tutorial on the web about 3D modelling of wooden sailing ships and that is restricted to the creation of a hull shape. Are there any others around?



There's a great video by Bernard of a 3D build of "La Belle" following the Ancre plans. It's shown in the 3D build of Pandora by Jinyang.


It raises the question for me of whether anyone could start some practicum or set of instructions on this forum on how to develop such 3D builds. At the moment I only know of one tutorial on the web about 3D modelling of wooden sailing ships and that is restricted to the creation of a hull shape. Are there any others around?


However, there were two things that interested me about the build of "La Belle":


The first is that the garboard plank and the one immediately above merge directly into the rudder rather than the keel, thus making the lowermost gudgeons of the rudder having to be bolted directly to the upper of the two planks.


The second is that the gunport covers open sideways.


Does anyone know if these were normal practice on French ships of the period?



Tony, you say there is another tutorial on a hull shape-- Where?

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