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Well I decided to open this build log as symbolic note on this build start. It was long time ago from my last build but work, family, plastic modeling .... :) But first love is first love. Soooo I desperately waited to start next wooden ship build.


It is quite simple ship if I may say like that :) So false bulkheads and no difficult ornaments etc... Perfect for not skilled modeler to try to obtain more experience. Plans are by already famous and attested Ancre from France.


I found great build log of same ship from master modeller Dmitry Shevelev which I will use for reference and monograph as well.


Right now my plan is to make it with masts but with bare poles but I will have time to decide 100% about this.


Sooo don't expect miracle because Im amateur and this is my second build log and Im not sure how fast this will go but let's hope this will turn to nice build!


Wood - pear for almost everything, lime for deck (probably) and brass for metal parts.


Thanks :D


Current build: LA MARTEGAOU
Past build:


"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do... Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the tradewinds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover"





Hi Elmir

I have just came accross your thread and also had a look at your Bracera - which is great in my opinion. I will gladly follow your progress on Jacinthe and wish you good luck


"A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor."


Completed: Smuggler





Great to see another Jacinthe started. I too have the plans but won't be building until I've completed my Triton cross-section. I really look forward to your progress and will follow it closely.



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