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Hmm.... Seems like a stretch to me. Sure it is an early anchor but, as they were hard to produce and expensive, might have been in use well into the following century before being lost. Unless there is a log stating that an anchor of that size was lost in that location by one of Columbus' ships, I remain sceptical!

Be sure to sign up for an epic Nelson/Trafalgar project if you would like to see it made into a TV series  http://trafalgar.tv



They have the manifest, and have located other artifacts dating to the correct period.

The show "Coopers Gold" is pretty good, repetitive, but interesting in that they are using maps Gordon Cooper made while orbiting the earth looking for possible missile sites.




Rediculouse assumptions and what is with this outrageous "I can see shipwrecks from low earth orbit" nonsense? Science got us pretty far, and the space program represents a milestone in human achievement that shouldn't be sullied by allowing dingbat nonsense to ride its coat tails into something like legitimacy. Shame on anyone promoting this nonsense masquerading as nautical archeology.




 Niagara USS Constitution 


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