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I will soon be ordering my Phantom from modelexpo, there is a 15 to 30 day wait due to back order.(I am guessing the make it once you order it). I have done a lot of reading and a lot of homework, as well as looked at many of the builds in progress on MSW. With that I have a some questions. I will also be using Chucks practicum, I read it and read the instructions from model expo and can easily see how much added help Chucks practicum will be.

-on log said that the plans and the templets did not match up at all and they went with the plans, if you do this do you just make your own templets from the plans?

- do I just buy the paint from the same place or can anyone recommend another site to get the paints from

-I see that green mat everyone uses is it just a regular work mat or does it have special markings that helps


think thats it for now


The Phantom kit was probably out of stock for the moment. They often have several of a kit on the shelves and there is no need to back order. It was just an inconvenient moment when you ordered.


You can make your own templates from the plans or use the templates in the kit.


I use artist's acrylics from Hobby Lobby. They are inexpensive and last forever. If you have a local crafts store like that, check out what they carry. Or you can buy the paints from Model Expo.


The green mat is a self healing mat that you can buy from the crafts store in various sizes. It is used as a cutting board for when you need to use an exacto knife or small razor saw. I got one a while back and now I wonder how I built models without it. It is a good investment, especially for the "table top" modeler.


Good luck with your build.




Looks like Russ answered your questions. Also, if you haven't ordered it yet, if you can use the "rain13" code and get the phantom including a tool kit and paint for only $10.00 more....




If you have any other questions, just ask :)



Current Build:

Krabbenkutter CUX-87

Harriet Lane

Fishcutter GO-38


In the Wings:

Corel Victory Cross section


Completed Build:

USS Missouri minimissouri.jpgHMS Bounty's Jolly Boat thumbnail.jpg Peterboro Canoe tiny.jpg



i made the order and put the code in it went to 85$ but i dont see where it says it has the additional items. also i thought it was on back order but i dont see anything saying that in the confirmation no big deal that its on back order i still have stuff to get to be ready i was just curious if they emailed you and let you know these things


Hmmm...the page I linked said

Phantom Ship Model Kit With Tools, Paint

but there is one that doesn't have the tools and paint too. You can always call them (on Monday) to make sure you are getting what you want (and your money's worth) They are really great.  I know about that stuff because I literally stalk their site looking for bargains.



Current Build:

Krabbenkutter CUX-87

Harriet Lane

Fishcutter GO-38


In the Wings:

Corel Victory Cross section


Completed Build:

USS Missouri minimissouri.jpgHMS Bounty's Jolly Boat thumbnail.jpg Peterboro Canoe tiny.jpg


@ Richard

when i looked at the site and clicked on the Phantom, it said backorder expected availbility 15 to 30 days

here is the link


i am ok with that due to i am still getting my work area and tools and doing reading lol but i will call them on Monday to check

I thought I saw on here that one of the members is the owner or one of the owners is this true


Yes, the owner of Model Expo is a member here. Check the Traders and Dealers forum and you will see him there as he posts about the latest sales all the time.




ok so I see a lot of people talking about scale, i am familiar with scale due to plastic model, but only understanding is that i look at the scale then look at the specs why is such a big deal here i look at the specs to see the dimensions of the model and determine if i want something that size, i usually don't like dealing with small models its just not my thing, example i like the size of the Phantom to me that is a good size for all the parts associated with the model.


If I understand correctly, you are not sure why scale is an issue?


In a scale model, everything on the model, all the parts of the model, are as close as possible to the model's scale. If the model is 1.96 scale, that means that the entire model, parts and all, is 1/96 the size of the real ship. It would spoil the appearance of the model to have the hull be 1/96 scale, but the deck planks be wide enough for a 1/48 scale model. Or to have the windlass or the belaying pins at twice their size. The idea is that the deck planks, windlass belaying pins etc all should be at that same 1/96 scale as the rest of the model


That is the short version of the importance of scale. I hope that helps.




Additionally people make a big deal about scale because as the scale gets smaller (1:96, 1:144, 1:160......) you loose details that you would otherwise be showing. If you look at my Bounty's Jolly boat (1:25) I was able to show a bag of food and a carpenter's chest in full 3D. If I were to put those on the Harriet Lane I just completed (1:144)  they would be something just bigger than a dot on a piece of paper. To some there is an added (and often disliked) challenge to those tinier scale ships.  That doesn't mean any particular scale is better or worse, it just changes what your focus might be on for the duration of the build.



Current Build:

Krabbenkutter CUX-87

Harriet Lane

Fishcutter GO-38


In the Wings:

Corel Victory Cross section


Completed Build:

USS Missouri minimissouri.jpgHMS Bounty's Jolly Boat thumbnail.jpg Peterboro Canoe tiny.jpg


well i have just about everything i need, other than online can anyone recommend where to get all my clamps and i have a question about glue. I saw that the recommended glue is CA glue but it said something about for use on wood, when i went to Hobby Lobby i found the different types of CA glue but none of them said anything about being used on wood?


I would not use CA on wood, but some folks do. It is just super glue. It can be used if you want to get a much quicker bond or you cannot get a clamp on a joint where youa re using wood glue. Personally, I like Elmer's carpenter's glue, but others have their favorites as well.


If you use wood glue, make sure to have a damp rag close at hand to wipe away any squeeze out. This will make finishing a lot easier.


CA needs to be applied carefully because if it soaks into the wood, you will have a tough time with any stain or clear finishes. There could blotches where the CA has dried into the wood. This is a general statement and there may be exceptions depending on what finish you choose. If you are painting over the surface, then it will not matter as much.





You can get a bunch of small clamps at Harbor Freight if you have one nearby.  Very cheap.  Or in a pinch you can use clothespins, or the black and slver paper clamps too.



Well the Phantom arrived, first off hats off to modelexpo, it was on back order I made the order on the 20th and it was here on the 27th. Did what everyone said and did a parts check. the only thing missing was two 1/8" double blocks I emailed model and they are sending the parts



i have some pics, im not sure but it seems like there is a lot of trimming for the corners, I must say as for a beginner i think it will be challenging but wow the parts are small. well i will start in on it soon i cant wait I will deffinatley be asking for help. thanks guys

Just an fyi for anyone who has not ordered this model, if you use the rain13 code it only comes with 4 paint colors not 6 the tools are cheaper tools but they will make good for having extra tools around. I dont remember if i asked this, how do i know if i have a #11 exacto blade, i have a bunch but none have an 11 on it.







A bunch of Phantom builds are going on at this time and some in the  completed kit gallery section. Plenty of photos and logs to visit for sure. Though small, you will have fun building her. Be patient and take your time.


Wish you well as you build along.



Hopeful aka David


you guys have been great, I am about to start my build but I am a little confused, I put the bow templet on the boat and the templete sticks up about a quater inch higher than the top rail of the bow. From what I can tell if I do any sanding it will make that height increase. what i am asking is, is the templet correct and when i start shaping will it line up see photo.



The "R" should align with the underside of the rail, about where you have it.  You will be installing a cap rail around the bulwarks (see step 6/Figure 13 in the instructions).


As you shape the hull, it will start to fit better along the stem and the keel.  take your time, start about template 5 and slowly fair the hull in each direction from there fore and aft. 


Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.


That is a tough call. I wouid definitely secure all your materials and tools etc. Maybe in a box or container. Any waterbased paints or glues should be okay.


My workshop is also uninsulated space but it is under lock and key. I have a wall unit AC for the really bad days in the summer. You might want to consider a box fan or something similar to help cut the heat and humidity.




so i am working on the trimming of the hul and also the parts on the deck that need to be trimmed to spec as you can see they didnt do a real good job around the mid deck area like i have seen on other Phantom models  on others there is a clean line of where this lip is on mine they kind of rolled it together with the bottom deck so i had to measure and make sure i get the lip in the right area. my question is on Chucks build instructions he says this board that goes there is 1.5mmx3mm can someone tell me which is height and width.



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