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Naval History On This Day, Any Nation

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HMS Resolution and HMS Discovery arrive in Britain after Cptn. Cook's 3rd voyage of discovery.



HMS Flora (36), Cptn. Sir John B. Warren, and HMS Arethusa (38), Cptn. Sir Edward Pellew, drove the French frigate Felicite (40), and the corvettes Espion (18) and Alerte (18) ashore near the Penmark Rocks.



Engagement of British light squadron under Cptn. James Alms with Dutch squadron in the North Sea, off the coast of Norway. HMS Stag (32), Cptn. Joshua Sydney Yorke, took  Alliance (36) but her consorts, Argo (36) and Nelly (16), escaped after a running fight with the rest of the squadron.



HMS Galatea (32), Cptn. Richard G. Keats, drove the frigate L'Andromaque (48), (mounting 40) on shore near Arcasson, where she was completely destroyed by HMS Sylph (18) on the 23rd.



HMS Naiad (38), Cptn. Pierrepont, and HMS Magnanime (44), Cptn. Michael de Courcy, captured the French frigate Decade off Cape Finisterre.

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1780 - James Cook's ship HMS Resolution returns to Britain(Cook having been killed on Hawaii during the voyage).

1851 - The first America's Cup is won by the yacht America.

1945 - First surrender of Japanese garrison at end of World War II; USS Levy receives surrender of Mille Atoll in Marshall Islands.

1962 - Savannah, world's 1st nuclear-powered ship, completes maiden voyage from Yorktown, Va, to Savannah, Ga.
1980 - USS Passumpsic rescues 28 Vietnamese refugees.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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Etrusco, Store-ship, (26) foundered in the West Indies.


HMS Anson (64) and HMS Arethusa (38), Cptn. Charles Brisbane, captured the Spanish frigate Pomona (38) and destroyed 12 gunboats near Moro Castle, Havana.


HMS Colibri Sloop (16), John Thomson, wrecked in crossing the bar of Port Royal, Jamaica.


Capture of Hong-Kong by British


R.Adm. David Farragut's squadron captures Fort Morgan at Mobile Bay winning control of Mobile Bay

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1541 - French explorer Jacques Cartier lands near Quebec City in his third voyage to Canada.

1864 - RADM David Farragut's squadron captures Fort Morgan at Mobile Bay winning control of Mobile Bay
1958 - Massive concentration of Pacific Fleet in Quemoy-Matsu area prevents invasion of islands by China.
1958 - In Taiwan Straits Crisis, Units of 7th Fleet move into Taiwan area to support Taiwan against Chinese Communists.
1963 - The first satellite communications ship, USNS Kingsport (T-AG-164) in Lagos, Nigeria, connected President John F. Kennedy with Nigerian Prime Minister Balewa who was aboard for the first satellite (Syncom II) relayed telephone conversation between heads of state.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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The First Battle of Svensksund. Swedish fleet of 12 Archipelago frigates, 5 Galleys, 20 Gun yawls, 4 Gun prams, 4 Bomb vessels and Auxiliaries under Carl August Ehrensvärd, and Carl Olof Cronstedt defeated by Russian fleet of 24 Larger ships, 3 Bomb vessels, 47 Galleys, 30 Gun yawls, 3 Cutters and Auxiliaries under Charles Henry of Nassau-Siegen, Ivan Balle and Count Giulio Litta.


HMS Impétueux (74), caught fire and blown up, in Portsmouth harbour.


HMS Success (32), Cptn. Shuldham Peard, captured Diane.


HMS Phaeton (38) Cptn. George Cockburn, and HMS Harrier (18), Edward Ratsey, engaged Semillante and shore batteries in the St. Bernadino Strait between Luzon and Samar in the Philippines.


HMS Weazle (18), John Clavell, captured four vessels and destroyed three.


HMS Diane and HMS Semiramis cut out the French gun-brig Teaser in the mouth of the river Gironde, and brigle Pluvier taken, with eight vessels, at the same time, by the boats of the Diane and Semiramis.


British invasion of Maryland and Washington, D.C.; Washington Navy Yard and ships burned to prevent capture by the British

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1217 - Battle at South Foreland: English fleet beats French fleet.

1608 - 1st English convoy lands at Surat India.

1658 - Battle at Grevelingen: English fleet beats Spanish fleet.

1831 - John Henslow asks Charles Darwin to travel with him on HMS Beagle.

1833 - HMS Beagle reaches Bahia Blanca, Argentina.

1909 - Workers start pouring concrete for the Panama Canal.
1912 - Launching of USS Jupiter, first electrically propelled Navy ship.
1942 - U.S. carrier aircraft begin 2-day Battle of Eastern Solomons where Japanese task force defeated and one Japanese carrier sunk. Japanese recall expedition to recapture Guadalcanal.
1960 - USS Bexar (APA-237) deploys to Pangahan Province in response to emergency request for aid from the Province's governor.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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HMS Endeavour, Lt. James Cook, sailed from Plymouth.


Sartine (32) taken by HMS Seahorse (24) and HMS Coventry (28).

HMS Otter (14) wrecked off Florida coast.


HMS Spider (16) captured a brig.


HMS Raison engaged Vengeance.


British fleet of about 100 vessels and 15,000 men, including HMS Impetueux (74), Cpt. Sir Edward Pellew, landed some 10,000 troops on the beach of Doniños near Ferrol to take the Castle of San Felipe. They were successful but withdrew the next morning after a counter-attack.


HMS Seagull (16), Henry Burke, defeated East Indiaman Lord Nelson (late British) which was then boarded by boats of HMS Colossus (74). 


HMS Immortalite (42), Cptn. Edward William Campbell Owen, and HMS Cruizer (18), John Hancock, engaged 146 armed vessels off Boulogne.


Boats of HMS Clyde (38) cut out a sloop at Ypont.


7 gunboats from Brunsbüttel and Glückstadt, under Lt. Johan Hedemann, engages 11 British gunboats on the Elbe.


Steam frigate USS Missouri arrives at Gibralter completing first Trans-Atlantic crossing by U.S. steam powered ship.

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1499 - Battle at Sapienza: Turkish fleet beats Venetians.

1704 - Battle at Malaga: French vs English & Dutch fleet.
1951 - 23 fighters from USS Essex (CV-9) escort Air Force heavy bombers attacking Najin, Korea since target was beyond range of land-based fighters.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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Battle of Plymouth. Dutch convoy under Vice-Commodore Michiel de Ruyter beat off an attack by General-at-Sea George Ayscue of the Commonwealth of England.


HMS Greyhound (40) wrecked in Tynemouth.


HMS Endeavour, Lt. James Cook, sailed from Plymouth with Joseph Banks expedition


Rhode Island Resolve: Rhode Island delegates to Continental Congress press for creation of Continental Navy to protect the colonies


HMS Tamar (38), Cptn. Thomas Western, captured the French corvette Republicaine (32), Capt. Le Bozee.


HMS Immortalite (42), Cptn. Edward William Campbell Owen, HMS Harpy (18), sloop, Edmund Heywood, HMSAdder (12), gunbrig, Lt. George Wood, and HMS Constitution, cutter, James Samuel Denis, engaged more than 90 brigs and luggers off Boulogne. HMS Constitution was sunk by a shell off Cap Gris Nez .


HMS Implacable (74), Cptn. Thomas Byam Martin, and HMS Centaur (74), Cptn. W. H. Webley, captured Russian Vsevelod (74), Cptn. Roodneff, which was subsequently set on fire as it had run too firmly aground.


French frigate squadron of Bellone, Minerve, Victor and captured Indiaman Ceylon, defeated a British squadron at Vieux Grand Port, Mauritius. HMS Nereide (38), Cptn. Nesbit J. Willoughby, and HMS Iphegenia (36), Cptn. Henry Lambert, struck. HMS Sirius (36), Cptn. Samuel Pym, and HMS Magicienne (32), Cptn. Lucius Curtis,  were both burnt to prevent them falling into enemy hands after grounding. 

HMS Lively (38), Cptn. George M'Kinley, wrecked Point of Salina, South-east of Bay of St. Paul's, Malta.


Brig Washington seizes Spanish slaver, Amistad near Montauk Point, NY


Union amphibious force lands near Hatteras, NC 


American Civil War ends with Naval strength over 58,500 men and 600 ships

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HMS Jason and HMS Triton (32), Cptn. John Gore, captured part of a French convoy.


A Danish gunboat flotilla, under Lt. Christian Wulff, attacks a British battery at Gl. Pesthus on Kallebodstrand


Bombardment of Algiers by a British Squadron, under Lord Exmouth, and a small Dutch squadron, under Vice-Admiral van Capellen, which destroyed 33 ships in the harbor.


HMS Magpie Schooner (5) wrecked Colorados Roads, Island of Cuba.

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Dutch under admiral Van Gelen defeat English under Admiral Richard Badiley at the Battle of Elba.


HMS Topaze (38), Cptn. S. G. Church, captured Elizabeth.


HMS Pomone (44), Cptn. R. C. Reynolds, destroyed Petit Dia'le.


HMS Contest Gun-boat, Lt. John Ides Short, driven on shore in the Helder.


Battery at Cortelazzo, at the mouth of the Piave river between Venice and Trieste, carried by boats of HMSAmphion (32), Cptn. William Hoste. Six Venetian gunboats Surveillante, Vedette, and Nos. 64, 76, 77 and 78 with two trabaccolos, moored under the battery were brought out and five other trabaccolos were burnt in the river.


Captain William Reynolds of USS Lackawanna raises U.S. flag over Midway Island and took formal possession of these islands for the U.S.

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1609 - Henry Hudson, discovers & explores Delaware Bay.

1914 - Battle at Helgoland: British fleet beats German, 1100 killed.
1952 - Units on USS Boxer (CV-21) launch explosive-filled drone which explodes against railroad bridge near Hungnam, Korea. First guided missile launched from ship during Korean Conflict.
1965 - CDR Scott Carpenter and 9 aquanauts enter SeaLab II, 205 ft. below Southern California's waters to conduct underwater living and working tests.
1991 - A helicopter from USS America (CV-66) rescues 3 civilian sailors who spent 10 days in a lifeboat 80 miles off Capt May, NJ after their sailboat capsized.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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HMS Delight ran aground off Sable Island.


HMS Wincheley (26), Cptn. William Jone,s foundered in a hurricane.


HMS Boreas (28), Cptn. Charles Thompson, took Compass (en flute).


HMS Royal George (100), Cptn. Waghorn, while heeled at Spithead off Portsmouth to repair the coppering with the lower deck guns run out, was struck by a sudden and violent squall which threw her over so much that water rushed in the open ports. She filled and sank killing Rear-Admiral Richard Kempenfelt and about 900 crew.


HMS Pandora (24), Cptn. Edward Edwards, with 14 Bounty mutineers, wrecked on Great Barrier Reef.


Twenty boats Sir John Warren's squadron cut out Fench privateer Guepe (18) from under the batteries in Vigo Bay.


HMS Queen Charlotte cutter (8), Joseph Thomas,  repulsed a French cutter, former British revenue cutter Swan (16), off Alderney. 


Start of 3 day campaign by HMS Sir Francis Drake (38), Cptn. George Harris, HMS Phaeton (38), Cptn. Fleetwood Broughton Pellew, and HMS Dasher (18) which captures Madura.


HMS Peacock (18), William Mends, foundered off South Carolina


U.S. squadron captures forts at Hatteras Inlet, NC


Union gunboat Pittsburgh supports Army troops in landing at Eunice, Arkansas

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1350 - Battle of Winchelsea (or Les Espagnols sur Mer): The English naval fleet under King Edward III defeats a Castilian fleet of 40 ships.

1612 - Battle at Surat India: English fleet beats Portuguese
1915 - Navy salvage divers raise F-4, first U.S. submarine sunk in accident.

1914 - Arizonian is 1st vessel to arrive in SF via Panama Canal.
1916 - Congress passes act for expansion of Navy but most ships not completed until after World War I.

1943 - Denmark scuttles their warships so as not to be taken by Germany
1964 - USS Boxer and 2 LSDs arrive off coast of Hispaniola to give medical aid to Haiti and Dominican Republic which were badly damaged by Hurricane Cleo.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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HMS Childs Play (24), Cdr. George Doiley, foundered in a hurricane off St. Christopher's


Boats of HMS Bacchante (22), Cptn. James R. Dacres, cut out a brig and two feluccas, San Antonio letter of marque and Spanish privateer Deseado, at Santa-Martha.

HMS Pike (4), Lt. Macdonald, captured a guarda-costa.


Party from HMS Menelaus (38), Cptn. Peter Parker (Killed in Action), engaged ashore in Chesapeake Bay.

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1363 - Beginning date of the Battle of Lake Poyang; the forces of two Chinese rebel leaders— Chen Youliang and Zhu Yuanzhang—are pitted against each other in what was one of the largest naval battles in history, during the last decade of the ailing, Mongol-led Yuan Dynasty.

1682 - William Penn left England to sail to New World

1791 - The HMS Pandora sank after running aground on a reef the previous day.

1799 - Bataafse fleet surrender to English

1929 - Near New London, CT, 26 officers and men test Momsen lung to exit submerged USS S-4
1961 - Two Cuban frigates fire on a Naval Reserve aircraft on a training mission over international waters



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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HMS Boadicea (38), Cptn. John Maitland, engaged French Duguay-Trouin (74) and Guerriere (38).


HMS Repulse (74), Cptn. John Halliday, and HMS Philomel (18), Gardener Henry Guion, repulsed 3 French frigates off Toulon.


HMS Psyche (36), Cptn. Fleetwood Broughton Pellew, and boats at Samarang.


HMS Foxhound Sloop (18) foundered in the Atlantic on her return from Halifax.

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1836 - HMS Beagle anchors in Postage Praia, Cape Verde Islands.

1943 - Commissioning of USS Harmon (DE-678), first Navy ship named for an African American Sailor.
1944 - Carrier task group begins 3-day attack on Iwo Jima and Bonin Islands.

1986 - Russian cargo ship crashes into cruise ship Admiral Nakhimov; 398 die.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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September 1





HMS Hind (14) foundered in North America.


HMS Serpent bomb (12) wrecked


HMS Lyon (60), Cptn. Le Cross, captured French frigate  Zephyre (26).


The Danish brig Lougen, Lt. Cdr. Jochum N. Müller, and the brig Langeland, Lt. Thomas Lütken, together with 3 schooners, under Lt. Broder Wigelsen arrived at Trondhjem, Norway, following a successful expedition to the Northern Atlantic, bringing 11 large prizes.


Boats of HMS Bacchante (38), Cptn. William Hoste, captured French national xebec Tisiphone (3), two gunboats and seven vessels from a convoy, at Port Lemo, Adriatic.


A British squadron under Rear Ad. Edward Griffith's capture Castine in Penobscot Bay.

HMS Avon (18), Hon. James Arbuthnot, sunk by USS Wasp sloop (22), Cptn. Johnston Blakely, off L'Orient.

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1781 - French fleet traps British fleet at Yorktown, VA
1925 - CDR John Rodgers and crew of 4 in PN-9 run out of fuel on first San Francisco to Hawaii flight. Landing at sea, they rigged a sail and set sail for Hawaii.
1941 - U.S. assumes responsibility for trans-Atlantic convoys from Argentia, Canada to the meridian of Iceland
1942 - First Seabee unit to serve in a combat area, 6th Naval Construction Battalion, arrives on Guadalcanal.
1945 - USS Benevolence (AH-13) evacuates civilian internees from 2 internment camps near Tokyo, Japan

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Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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September 2




The naval Battle of Pondicherry. Indecisive battle between a British squadron under Vice-Admiral George Pocock and French squadron under Comte d'Aché.


HMS Aeolus (32), Cptn. William Lord Hotham, drove Spanish West-Indiaman St. Joseph ashore in Aviles Bay near Cape Pinas and set her on fire.


HMS Duc de Chartres (16), Cptn. J. C. Purvis, took French frigate Aigle (22) .


Start of long engagement in which HMS Victor (18), George Ralph Collier, destroyed a French corvette Fleche(20), Lt. Bonamy, in the inner harbour at Mahe, Seychelles.

HMS Minerve (38), Cptn. George Cockburn, HMS Pomone (44), Cptn. Gower, and HMS Phoenix (36), Cptn. L. W. Halsted, chased Le Succes (32) which ran aground off Vado and struck and La Bravoure which grounded off Livorno and was wrecked.


Bombardment of Second Battle of Copenhagen commenced by British fleet under Admiral Gambier.


Danish gunboat flotilla from Fladstrand, Northern Jutland, under Lt. Nicolai H. Tuxen, takes brig HMS Minx(14), Lt. George Le Blanc, that was stationed as a light ship off Skagen Reef.


Danish brigs Lolland, Samsø and Alsen, under Cdr. Hans P. Holm, attacks 2 British brigs in the River Ems, Norway and HMS Manly (14), Lt. Martin White, is taken.


Boats of HMS Menelaus (38), Cptn. Peter Parker, brought out a French letter of marque, St. Esprit, from the River Mignore near Civita Vecchia.

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1807 - The Royal Navy bombards Copenhagen with fire bombs and phosphorus rockets to prevent Denmark from surrendering its fleet to Napoleon.

1918 - Navy ships and crews assist earthquake victims of Yokohama and Tokyo, Japan.
1940 - Destroyer-for-Bases agreement between U.S. and United Kingdom.
1944 - USS Finback (SS-230) rescues Lieutenant  George Bush, USNR (VT-51), shot down while attacking Chichi Jima.
1945 - Japan signs surrender documents on board USS Missouri (BB-63) at anchor in Tokyo Bay. FADM Chester W. Nimitz, USN, signs for the U.S. In different ceremonies, Japanese forces on Palau Islands, Truk, and on Pagan Island and Rota in the Marianas surrender.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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September 3



British squadron under Lord Sandwich captures the Dutch East India Fleet.


HMS Coronation (90) sank in a storm whilst attempting to get into Plymouth Sound


As a token of gratitude for French aid during American Revolution, the U.S. gives America (first ship-of-the-line built by U.S.) to France to replace a French ship lost in Boston.
Hughes engaged Suffren (4th action).


Britain and US sign treaty of Paris formally ending War of Independance 


Boats of HMS Minotaur (74), Cptn. Thomas Louis, and HMS Niger (33), Cptn. James Hillyer, cut out corvettesLa Paz (22) and Esmeralda  (22) from the Roads off Barcelona.


HMS Rinaldo (10), James Anderson, and HMS Redpole (10), Colin M'Donald, engaged a flotilla of Boulogne.

A Court of Inquiry began to sit, to investigate the conduct of Commodore Rodgers, USS President (44) respecting his affair with HMS Little Belt (20), Arthur Batt Bingham


6 Danish cannon shallops, under Lt. Martinus C. Klaumann, en route on the Eider to reinforce the naval forces at Glückstadt, fight their way through a British blockade, consisting of 13 gunboats and 4 armed shallops. 2 British gunboats are sunk.


American frigate USS Adams (28) and 10 vessels destroyed by British squadron under Rear Ad. Edward Griffith's up the Penobscot river at Hamden.

Boats of HMS Nancy (3) captured U.S. schooner Tigress.

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1798 - Weeklong battle of St. George's Caye begun between Spanish and British off the coast of Belize.

1826 - USS Vincennes leaves NY to become 1st warship to circumnavigate globe.

1878 - SS Princess Alice sinks; 645 die.

1903 - Resolute beats Shamrock III (England) in 13th America's Cup.

1939 - German U-boat sinks British passenger ship Athenia.
1943 - American landings on Lae and Salamaua.
1945 - Japanese surrender Wake Island in ceremony on board USS Levy (DE-162).

1954 - The German U-Boat U-505 began its move from a specially constructed dock to its final site at Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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September 4




HMS Druid (16), Cptn. Carteret, attacked by American frigate Raleigh (36), Cptn. Thomas Thompson,  while escorting a convoy.


HMS Rainbow (44), Cptn. Henry Trollope, took French frigate Hebe (40) off the Ile de Bas.


HMS Proselyte (32) wrecked off St. Martin the West Indies


USS Intrepid fireship, Lt. Richard Somers, blew up in failed attack on Tripoli with loss of all hands.

De Ruyter (32), Joseph Beckett, lost in a hurricane in Deep Bay, Antigua.


The island of Heligoland is occupied by British forces


Boats of HMS Menelaus (38), Cptn. Peter Parker,  brought out a government transport, Fidelle, laden with ship's timbers from the entrance to the Orbitello Lake.


British action with junks at Kowlung.

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1807 - Robert Fulton begins operating his steamboat.

1939 - German submarine U-30 sinks British passenger ship Athenia.

1941 - German submarine, U-652, attacks USS Greer, which was tracking the submarine southeast of Iceland. Greer is not damaged, but drops depth charges, damaging U-652.
1954 - Icebreakers, USS Burton Island (AGB-1) and USCG Northwind, complete first transit of Northwest passage through McClure Strait.
1960 - USS Bushnell and Penguin begin relief operations in Marathon, FL, after Hurricane Donna.



Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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September 5




William Bligh entered as Midshipman on HMS Hunter.


Adoption of first uniforms for US Navy officers


First day of Second Naval Battle of the Virginia Capes. French under de Grasse drive off British under Graves


French at Malta capitulated.


HMS Wolf (16), George Charles Mackenzie, wrecked in the Bahamas


HMS Majestic (74), Cptn. George Hart, and HMS Quebec (32) took Heligoland.


Boats of HMS Surveillante (36), Cptn. George Ralph Collier, captured a French brig sheltering between the batteries of St. Guildas and St. Jaques near the Loire.


Brig USS Enterprise (16), Lt. William Burrows (Killed in Action), captures HM brig Boxer, Samuel Blyth (Killed in  Action), off Portland, Maine.

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1864 - British, French & Dutch fleets attacked Japan in Shimonoseki Straits.
1918 - USS Mount Vernon torpedoed by German submarine off France.
1923 - U.S. Asiatic Fleet arrives at Yokohama, Japan, to provide medical assistance and supplies after Kondo Plain earthquake.
1939 - President Franklin D. Roosevelt orders Navy to form a Neutrality Patrol to report the presence of foreign warships within 300 miles of eastern United States.
1946 - USS Franklin Delano Roosevelt (CVB-42) and 4 escorts visit Greece to underscore U.S. support for the Greek Government which faced a Communist insurgency.

1982 - Eddie Hill sets propeller-driven boat water speed record of 229 mph.
1990 - USS Acadia (AD-42) departs San Diego for first war-time deployment of male-female crew on combat vessel.

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Current Build : HMAV Bounty - Amati


Next Build : 18th Century Longboat

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September 6




HMS Savage (14), Charles Stirling, taken by American privateer Congress (24), Cptn. Gedded, off Charleston.


HMS Stag (32), Cptn. Robert Winthrop, parted her cables in Vigo bay and was laid her on her beam ends by strong winds. She made sail, but hurricane force winds drove her on shore at Point Subudo where she was holed on a rock. After some of her stores had been salvaged the Rear Admiral ordered her to be burnt.


HMS Recruit (18), Chas. Napier, engaged French sloop Diligente (18) off Antigua.


HMS Pilot (18), John Toup Nicholas, dispersed troops at Castellan.


HMS Nancy, captured Scorpion in Lake Huron.

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