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Many of you may be aware that there are some kit manufacturers that have been banned from Model Ship World.  These are mostly Chinese companies that rip off and duplicate other kits from reputable manufacturers.  We dont want to support such thievery. I have personally been ripped off by ZHL.   They stole my Confederacy plans and actually include it in their kit.  Its an awful kit to boot!!


Please make note that no build logs from these MFGs will be allowed on Model Ship World


And we have allowed some other kits which were original, but made by these same crooked companies to remain....BUT NOT ANY LONGER. I know of two others but after the great crash of 2013 they are now gone.  ..from this point forward.....NO KITS BY THESE MFGs WILL EVER BE ALLOWED ON THIS SITE. Here is the list of crooked ship model MFGs banned from MSW



Snail Model


JD Model 


Shi Cheng 

woodenkit (Russian MFG)
Unicorn Model 
YQ (YaunQing)




shi hai

4H Model







These include all of those kits everyone rationalizes in their head are not stolen but actually are....like the zhl Royal Caroline and Ingerlandman kits.   As well as many others.   The plans and building patterns for every aspect of those two projects were stolen from the same master builder in Russia.  He made the mistake of posting them online for all to see just like so many do here on MSW in their build logs and drafting forums (ie Triton).  And they were almost immediately stolen.  So you may not find a manufacturer who made the kit but I can find the original sources pretty quickly.  In fact....please PM me BEFORE you buy one and I will let you know who it was stolen from.  I have yet to find a wooden kit by a Chinese MFG that wasnt stolen.  



Our forum RULES to this regard.


Kits/Plans/Parts:  If a company/individual is known to have pirated either plans or designs from another source in order to profit from the original author's work...stolen really.  Use of those plans, kits or parts is prohibited on MSW.  Promotion of those pirated plans and or kits and or companies that sell them is also prohibited, whether on MSW or anywhere else.  If you are building one of these pirated kits on another site, you will still lose your privileges here on MSW. No links may be posted to sites that sell or promote pirated products unless approved by admin.


Thank You very much in advance.......repeat offenders will be warned....or worse.  If you are found to be building, buying, praising any pirated kit/company from the list of banned MFG's, or promoting the advancement of listed companies and individuals you will be promptly banned from MSW.  Don't even bring it up!  If you have a different opinion about this, it is not one that we share and you can no longer be an MSW member.


If someone is found commenting, or posting statements of approval, or
appreciation towards other individuals who may be in the process of building or buying
one of these products it will help legitimize the products and that is frowned upon.


Should anyone disagree with this please send me a PM.  No public scrutiny or anything.....but we will simply agree to part ways.  I can remove you from this forum and all will be forgotten in short order.  But these are the rules and viewpoint of MSW/NRG and we have every right to not allow anyone on the site who doesn't share our values and ethics towards pirating...you are more than welcome to do it elsewhere.   So make a choice....please respect the rules or you will lose your privileges to continue on as a member of MSW.   



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