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At long last I’ve finally moved from “lurking” to getting my build log up and running. Many thanks to those members who gently – and not so gently – encouraged me to do it!


First photo is the “obligatory photo of the kit” – I’m dong this as I’m new to discussion forums, and I’m using a camera I inherited, so the learning curve is rather steep at the moment.


I have had a long fascination with the Cutty Sark, dating back to early childhood – mid sixties, when my dad built the Revell kit. My interest in actually building one myself was re-awakened about 7 years ago, while I was browsing around a hobby shop, and came across a very big CS kit (can’t recall manufacturer). Retail price at the time was about R5,500 (was about $800), so this was out of the question. I was further “discouraged” by the shop owner, when he saw me looking, that even he would not attempt a “Cutty” – and he had some beautiful models on display.


Then about 3 years later, I happened to be in another hobby shop, but this time I was seriously looking. I was gravitating to the “Rattlesnake”, and had seen it in one shop, so I was looking for a better price, hence the visit to another shop. While looking, I came across another “Cutty” kit, and my eyes nearly popped when I saw the price tag – R1,675 (about $200 at the time). Before I knew it, the plastic had been whipped out, and I was out the shop with my “prize”!


Once back home, I opened the kit, and realization started sinking in that this was in a different league to any model I’ve built before.  Undaunted, I started the build, and made fairly good progress, until I hit a major problem with the hull planking. More about this in next posts – that’s if anybody is still following after reading this book!






Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build

Posted (edited)

Welcome, and keep posting please, I wait for your topic so loooooooong

Edited by Nenad M

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic


just in case you thought I had disappeared again...


Still having some issues with the camera - not having the instruction manual is adding to the problems. However, I found a little button on the side of it that seems to allow close-up photos. All's well so far..


No so fast.


Now the !@# batteries have gone flat.


Wish I could use my Olympus Om1 - but unfortunately it's a 35mm film format, but I might just start doing so, even if it means trips to the processing lab!





Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build

Posted (edited)



If you have FB profile, or any profile on other photo web page, and a smart phone with camera min 5MP amd internet connection, you can succesfully take your photos with phone, post it directly on FB from phone (delete them later if you want), then easily save them on your desktop form FB and upload from desktop to MSW. I use that way



Edited by Nenad M

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic


Hi Nenad, tarbrush,


Thanks for the camera info. However, I "got lucky" this morning, as our in-house graphics designer offered to take some photos for me. I have my build in the office at the moment, so I can do this.


Tarbrush - now that i've got some work in progress photos, I will continue. Some major repair work is in my future, I think. You'll seel what I mean when you see my "ice-breaker" bow.


Ooops. (Censored form actual words used at time.)


Photos to follow.





Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build


Ok, so here goes my build log entries…


My first few posts will track work I did previously, after buying the kit, to the point where I am now. Then there was a long period of inactivity caused partly by “life” and a fair bit of discouragement after the bow problem came to light. It was while I was surfing the net looking for an online ship-modelling magazine I had read a few times, that I found MSW.


Many pleasant coffee and lunch-breaks have been spent browsing the fourum, and it was the posts of other member’s mistakes and blunders that encouraged me to post my build blunders, with the aim of completing the kit I so enthusiastically started 3 years ago.


Right. Enough waffle and post-padding and other beating-around-the-bush stuff.


Largely due to my inexperience with proper kits – previous models have all been the Airfix/Revell/Tamiya “glue part 1 to part 2” variety, said parts being removed from the casting tree.


I progressed well at first, with construction of the frame. Unfortunately no photos of this stage, but I’m going to “cheat” and scan in a copy of the instructions. My build looked exactly like this, so I felt “so far so good”.


I jumped into the instructions and started with step 1 – the internal frame. This was fairly easy, and is almost of the “fit part 1 to 2”. Here I pressed out of the wood sheet the laser-cut false keel and bulkheads. Took some time sanding and cleaning them up, and then fitted the bulkheads to the false keel. I did each bulkhead frame one at a time, to ensure that each one remained square to the false keel. I recall this step took about a week – working a bit each evening, setting up one frame, and then allowing the glue to set. With hindsight being the perfect science it is, part 14, lovingly and carefully glued into position, contributed to my bow problem.

Step 1.bmp





Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build

Posted (edited)


Edited by Nenad M

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic

Posted (edited)

For now it seems that latter you add extra part


For instance ... something like ...



Edited by Nenad M

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic



Yes the Keel, stem and stern piece are going to be fitted. This was where I discovered my problem with the alignment of the bow planking. I'll cover this soon when I bring my log up to my current position.


Thanks again for your interest and encouragement. Also, having my model here in the office, also gets comments like - "so what have you done next?"





Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build


Look forward to the update, Dognut.  I had my workshop and model here at the office as well (probably not quite the same since i work from home :D :D :D )


Will be following this build - i love the look and history of clipper ships and may build one someday (have a few more in the closet, err, packing boxes, to build first. 


Neither should a ship rely on one small anchor, nor should life rest on a single hope.

Posted (edited)

History of Cutty is very interesting. Right now I google for some Lubbock¨s pdf books to read on my vacation ( ONLY 20 days left) ...



Edit 21-07-2013


And found all in pdf:


Basil Lubbock - China clippers

basil Lubbock - Colonial clippers


Making yard details

Ship Modeling from Stem to Stern


Edited by Nenad M

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic



Some interesting links there - will look at them (especially the rigging one).


I agree that CS has a fascinating history. I saw part of a program on TV that documented the rivalry between Cutty Sark and her sister  ship Thermopolea (think I've spelt that right?) and seeing actual film footage of the Cutty was really special.





Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build


Ok, so to continue with "the build so far":

All going well with the first step – or should I say phase 1, the next step was started. It was here that I started to realize that 1 or 2 very terse sentences in the build manual translated to a fair bit of work!


This step involved installing the deck, which is done in 2 parts. First, a pre-cut deck, and then covering this with plank veneers.


So, again I carefully cut out the deck, cleaned it up, and spent a lot of time making sure it was aligned on the center line “using the plans to take your measurements” to quote the manual. Fortunately – for me anyway, this plan is to scale, and I laid my frame on it to make sure the center line was, well, in the center. It was while I was checking this out for the umpteenth time, that my dad happened to visit, and offered an alignment trick from his artisan days – he was a fitter and turner by trade (I think it’s called a machinist in the states?) and worked a lot on center lathes.


His tip was to make 2 sets of marks: 1 set on the frame center itself, at each end where the deck would sit, and the another set on the deck itself, again at each end. Then fit the deck, making sure the marks lined up – and voila! Perfectly centered.


Easy when you know how!


In terms of progress – everything was still going well , so confidence was starting to build as well…





Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build


Dognut, it is great to see you progress. Please upload some photos


Nenad M

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic


Anybody see Dognut around ... ?

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic


Hi Nenad,

Yes - I'm here, but not here. That doesn't make sense! Have just been so busy at work I hardly know what day it is, and with the auditors making their annual appearance to totally disrupt everything, things may get more "interesting".


I don't get online at home, not only due to having very poor wireless signal there (I stay in a valley), but with spending my entire working day in front of a computer, the last thing I want to do is sit down in front of another one :)


I have access to a great ADSL line here at work, which is also incredibly fast - so I've been a bit 'spoilt'!.


Ok, promise to do some more posts.





Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build


Right – before search parties get sent after me, or the auditors come in here again with more of their ____ questions, here is the next “episode” in my build to date – but still before my poor CS went into dry dock for a very long stay.


The next step involved gluing on plank veneer strips, and this was the first time I looked at the build manual, and what it said, and decided to do things a bit differently.


The step per the manual was to glue on strips, the full length of the deck, and then using a scriber or similar tool to make “joint marks” to indicate the individual planks in the deck.


I decided to cut the veneer into the plank lengths – as on the drawing, and then glue those onto the deck. I just felt that the end result would be a better look, and possibly look less artificial.


Again, took my time with this, and I was very happy with the end result – see photo. I completed the job with a light sanding – to correct the odd high spot – and then applied a light wood stain using an airbrush. This last step I did just to try out the airbrush – never used one before – and also because I had worked out how to use my workshop compressor to run the brush, instead of getting a special airbrush compressor. Felt somewhat pleased with progress after this!


Nenad, especially for you – here’s a photo!


Ok, the composition is a bit odd – but the phone photographer was doing me a favour, especially to keep a certain attorney from sending me some legal papers…





Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build


God job, Dognut, I really like it. Try to find some time, and carry on



In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic

  • 1 month later...

Hey, where are you ?

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic

  • 2 weeks later...

Once again – a large hiccup in between posts. In my job, financial year end = auditors = lots of stupid questions = even more paperwork.


Result – very little time to even look at MSW, never mind getting my build log up to date.


Thought I was safe as well when a certain friendly attorney went on holiday. Realised he was back and looking for me again….(where did the time go?)


So – to chart some more progress BDD (Before Extended Dry Dock period). So far – everything’s looking good, right?


Yeah, right. I haven’t revealed yet what lies just out of camera shot…I’m covering the good bits first, in the hope that, when I do reveal the MAJOR BLUNDER, that this can be used as mitigating evidence – and hopefully I won’t be expelled from the forum (For the most extreme and unrecognizable build ever, or worst impersonation of a ship)


The photo below shows the fore-deck (also called anchor deck in the Ins&@cti!#ns). Planking went easily – although here I laid full strips, as I finally started thinking ahead – of fittings to come, and I thought I may just have a join in a plank veneer where I don’t want it. It was also now that I skipped ahead several pages in the Ins&@cti!#ns, to where the deck trim had to be installed. I was really keen to see how I would cope with a very small strip ( here about 2mm) being made into a fairly tight bend.


Not too bad – even if I say so myself. Only problem was a bit of burning on the one piece – either held it too long on the soldering iron, or the wood wasn’t wet enough, or all three..visible on the photo – the left side piece. Hopefully nothing that some carefully applied sandpaper won’t correct…


I also went ahead and opened the two small holes in the deck, for the anchor winch installation (in the future).


Here are 2 views of the fore-deck. Apologies again for the camera angle – but again the guy was doing me a favor. Composition doesn’t seem to be his strong point!






Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build


Ok – the good bits have been covered, and I can’t delay any longer. So perhaps the best thing is to post THE BLUNDER, and get it over with.


I plead for mercy right now!!


I mentioned before that this kit was an impulse buy – I’ve had a fascination with the Cutty Sark from childhood, when my late dad built the Revell kit.


It’s also my first experience of a proper build – but unfortunately in the beginning I TRUSTED and BLINDLY followed the Ins&@cti!#ns.


The steps involved building the interior frame (so far so good), installing the deck and planking (ok so far), and then, PLANKING the hull.


Being the good little Ins&@cti!#ns follower I was at that stage – and remember my modeling experience to date has been “ fit part 1 to part 2” variety – I went ahead. Things looked sort of ok, but I thought this fall into place at a later stage.


When this was taking place (about 3 years ago now) I didn’t know about MSW. May have saved myself a lot of heartache, and the keel-hauling that I’m sure is in my near future…


I was happy with the planking, and even got as far as the first row of bulwarks. Then, one day, in an idle moment, I was looking through the kit, and picked up the stem piece. Took it to the model, to see how it would fit…..


And that’s when I realized that I had a MAJOR disaster/problem on my hands. For the first time, I actually looked this ‘thing’ I had built, with a critical eye.


Cue danger/Jaws type music….(and lots of background screaming)






Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build


It seems you rush with colouring. Dont hesitate to sand and to putty. It will be ok

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic


Hi Nenad,

Actually, the planks were already coloured - I think it's the natural colour of the wood used. The only colouring I've done so far was on the deck - when I was itching to try out the airbrush.


I'm also very seriously considering painting the hull (at the right time, of course) rather than leaving it the natural wood colour as intended by the kit. (See kit photo at top) The colour is part of what Cutty Sark is, so I'm probably going that route. I'm also thinking of coppering the lower hull as well. However, that could present an unusual problem - getting supplies of copper tape or similar (nothing like that is in the kit). Unfortunately down here at the tip of Africa we don't have the wide variety of hobby supplies that's available elsewhere. Maybe I'm just not looking in the right places?





Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build

Posted (edited)

Hello to you


In Serbia, it is no mouch better situation - there are only a few hobby stores with poor offer, and no cooper stuff. Pay-pal do not live in Serbia jet, so we can not bz stuff over Internet (legaly).


So, I must  find cooper or Zunc foil ( that I can bye in Belgrade) anf make my own coopering strips. When time comes, of course . And before that, I intend to put second layer of planking with veneer, and to paint AFTER that stage. And ( I hope) all mistakes will be covered and masked

Edited by Nenad M

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic


Hi again,

Thanks for the "gentle" reminders - to get building...

I should be able to get back to the workshop, as the weather is warming up down here. Sitting in an unheated, concrete-floored, tinroofed workshop at night, during our hiveld winters - not really much fun. Also leads to lame excuses like numb fingers, breath fogging up your glasses, and other such fun stuff.


SpenceC, thanks for the suggestion about getting the plates on-line. A Little while ago I had looked at some on-line items, and then 2 problems crop up: firstly - getting the item shipped. If the place is prepared to do it (to Africa) the cost is several times what the item's worth. Then, the small bug-bear of exchange rates. The last time I was brave enough to look, our wonderful SA Rand was trading at 10 to 1$. So the price of anything starts climbing. Very quickly. And here I thought I was building a ship - not a rocket...


I'm exploring the other option - ie getting a local resident to get it for me. I know of a couple of people in England, and I'm keeping my ears open as to when any of them are making the trip down south. So all's not lost.


One more photo - this is a profile shot of my poor CS. Taken in my office, in the position she will one day be displayed. So next step is now to take her back to the shipyard, and start putting into practice all the research and tips I've picked up from other members.






Currently building - Cutty Sark 1:115- Constructo : First build


Take care about space under poop deck and bow deck. There are many things to be UNDER them. I didnt , and had to reconstruct front deck from begining. For poop deck is to late now. Look at minimum 3-4 steps forward, and everything will be OK. 


Keep on posting, pls

In progress:

CUTTY SARK - Tehnodidakta => scratch => Campbell plans


Content of log :


Past build:

Stella, Heller kit, plastic, Santa Maria, Tehnodidakta kit, wood, Jolly Roger Heller kit, plastic

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