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What glue are these instructions calling for?

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Hi all,


Complete beginner to modelling here. This is a photo from the instruction manual for the Dana 200 plastic hulled beginners' model by Billing Boats, and I'm at a bit of a loss. What glue is required here? It looks like it might require some kind of contact adhesive. I apologize for this extremely naive question. 





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Hi Rooster, 


Welcome to MSW! 


They're showing contact cement there, but I think it's better to use medium-cure, gap filling CA glue. I built this model and that's what I did, at least in part.


I used masking tape to hold the strip into place while adjusting the strip to get it aligned just right on both sides. Then, using a pin, apply tiny drops at various points along the strip. The tape can then be removed. Then you can hit it with a little thin CA at a few places. The thin CA will run all along the seam, completing the bond. 




Hope that helps!


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Got this kit in 1977, but dumped almost everything except for the hull. The hull (and the awfull deck) are vacuum-formed styrene, if I remember correctly, so if you keep the deck, the two parts should cement together with the usual styrene cement. If the parts are ABS, you would use a standard 'contact' cement, the kind that you apply to one side, let it almost dry and then bring the two parts together. You don't say, where you are based, so there is probably no point referring to any brand of cement.


As I said, I dumped the deck-part at that time and made a new deck from a sheet of ABS that was carefully fitted to the inside of the hull. It was cemented in place with some little wooden blocks that were cemented into the hull first. All glueing was done with contact cement. I 'planked' the deck with paper-backed self-adhesive wood-veneer. The deck-houses and hatches were built up from sheets of ABS also covered in this kind of wood veneer. Not sure, whether I would do this again, but it lasted very well until today. 

I then glued bullwark stanchions to the inside of the hull. With the hull stabilised like this, I half-filled it with Plaster of Paris to give weight, trimmed off the horizontal part of vacuum-formed hull and added a wooden capping rail.


Incidentally, this was my first model that was built from scratch except for the hull, because I just wasn't happy with what the kit provided.



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