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When I joined MSW, I decided to build something easy and small to get my feet wet in ships and boats.

I had asked which one to start with and was given a suggestion of the Tender from Midwest. Well it finally got here today and I couldn't wait to get started.

I can see that ships are not a whole lot different from airplanes as far as plan drawings go. I have scratched built many planes and am looking forward to ship building.

There are a lot of words and terms I am not familiar with in ships but I'll learn.

So here is the start of my kit.


If anyone catches anything I am doing wrong, PLEASE TELL ME so I can learn and get things right.

I am sure I'll have some questions when it gets to the planking part.






current build:

Boston Whitehall Tender

John Alden Sloop


waiting to be built:

Maine Peapod


Future build

Something larger


Welcome to MSW and the wet world :)

Fine kit to start with, you have come to the right place, always a helping hand around



Current build(restore, bashing)
BB582 "Dragen" Scale 1:12

On hold: BB534 Bolougne Etaples Scale 1:20

Not started: Model Shipways MS2040 USS Constitution 1:76




Well, I found out how much I have never liked quick glue. I'll post a progress as soon as I get this mess cleaned up and sanded.

I think the only time I am going to use CA glue again is when I need to quick attach something.

I've all ways used the regular wood glue ( yellow stuff) and I thought I would use the CA on this one since the instructions said to use it.

What a mess. It set up so fast, I couldn't get the planks adjusted right. I also don't like from past experiences how my fingers stuck to the wood. Working with it, it made me feel like I was in a time zone and trying to finish it as fast as I could instead of taking my time and making it look right and good.

Sorry for the venting of this but it made me so aggrevated with the glue. :angry:  It has made me appreciate what some people can do with CA glue but it is not for me.


I have learned some on first time at planking and the knowledge will be used on the next one.



current build:

Boston Whitehall Tender

John Alden Sloop


waiting to be built:

Maine Peapod


Future build

Something larger


I didn't take any pictures of the planking build because it was my first planking job and it didn't go so well.

Had a lot of trouble with the CA glue and clamping to false ribs.

This is a post of what it looks like so far after doing a lot of sanding and some painting.

I'll call this a SWB model. (stand-way-back and look.)  HAHA

My next project is the Midwest John Alden Sloop and I think I'll have a better chance of this model since I did about everything wrong on the Tender.


Thanks for anyone that is looking at this.





current build:

Boston Whitehall Tender

John Alden Sloop


waiting to be built:

Maine Peapod


Future build

Something larger

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