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The following question email was sent to me from an NRG member and I don't know the answer to this. I am putting it up on MSW as we have such a large body of knowledge and figured I would get some type of answer.


"I am interested in purchasing a kit to produce a Blockade Runner Ship that was commonly used to supply forces during the Civil War. Do you know where I might find one?"


Kit, plans and/or references is good. For that matter anything will be helpful.


Thank you in advance.


Current Built: Zeehaen 1639, Dutch Fluit from Dutch explorer Abel J. Tasman


Unofficial motto of the VOC: "God is good, but trade is better"


Many people believe that Captain J. Cook discovered Australia in 1770. They tend to forget that Dutch mariner Willem Janszoon landed on Australia’s northern coast in 1606. Cook never even sighted the coast of Western Australia).


Marc, there are some card models of blockade runners. Check out: ecardmodels.com.


There is a web site for Ironclads and Blockade Runners at:  http://users.wowway.com/~jenkins/ironclads/ironclad.htm


Maryland Silver Company has some plans, although not much for runners:  http://www.marylandsilver.com/Ship.htm


Started: MS Bounty Longboat,

On Hold:  Heinkel USS Choctaw paper

Down the road: Shipyard HMC Alert 1/96 paper, Mamoli Constitution Cross, MS USN Picket Boat #1

Scratchbuild: Echo Cross Section


Member Nautical Research Guild



Thank you.


Current Built: Zeehaen 1639, Dutch Fluit from Dutch explorer Abel J. Tasman


Unofficial motto of the VOC: "God is good, but trade is better"


Many people believe that Captain J. Cook discovered Australia in 1770. They tend to forget that Dutch mariner Willem Janszoon landed on Australia’s northern coast in 1606. Cook never even sighted the coast of Western Australia).


Kurt v. D. Emailed me the following information.


The only kit I found listed as a blockade runner is the USS Harriet Lane made by Model Shipways and sold by Model Expo - www.modelexpo-online.com - the kit is #MS2010 and sells for $129.99. There might be other Model Shipways kits that were used as blockade runners but my knowledge of this is subject very limited but you can check the kits against your list of blockade runners or search the history of the various ships.


I would not recommend any of the foreign manufactured kits sold by Model Expo unless you are an expert builder who can correct the many errors found in these foreign origin kits.


Bluejacket Shipcrafters - http://www.bluejacketinc.com/- sells quality kits (US made) that might include a blockade runner or two. Check their kits against your list or research the ships their kits are based on.


There is a plastic kit by Revell and another by Lindburg that depict blockade runners. These might be basis for a model but again I would hesitate to recommend this path unless your skills and knowledge will allow you to correct the models to an accurate representation of the blockade runner - both manufacturers are know for "adapting" various existing kits to another named ship.


Blockade runners like pirate ships as you have probably found in your research were not constructed to be blockade runners but were existing ships that fit the need. This might enable you to find a good, US made kit that can be adapted to accurately represent a specific blockade runner you might find that is very close.




Current Built: Zeehaen 1639, Dutch Fluit from Dutch explorer Abel J. Tasman


Unofficial motto of the VOC: "God is good, but trade is better"


Many people believe that Captain J. Cook discovered Australia in 1770. They tend to forget that Dutch mariner Willem Janszoon landed on Australia’s northern coast in 1606. Cook never even sighted the coast of Western Australia).


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