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About @macbride

  • Birthday 06/22/1967

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    Iowa City, IA

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  1. Luke, I started a ship that I thought I could handle (it was my first), and I soon realized I was in too deep! I put things on hold and then found some TRUE beginner ships. As John (above) noted, Midwest Products is excellent. They specify skill level 1,2,3. Level 1 includes a kayak model which is cool and very appropriate. I've done several level 2 ships now and am well into a level 3 which is far more involved yet appropriate. I bought mine online through hobbylinc.com; if you search for Midwest products, then click on wooden boats. I progressed from kayak to dinghy to peterborough canoe, and am now doing the Skipjack. Good luck & cheers! Andy
  2. Steve, In case you haven't taken a step back & looked at the big picture recently, your ship is looking AMAZING!!! I'm in awe of what you've done. When I move ahead with this ship, your log will be invaluable. So: Cheers & Thank You!!!!!
  3. Steve, The kayak I'm finishing is a Pygmy Pinguino Sport. I actually drove up to Port Townsend, WA and did their one week workshop where 6 of us took our kits from plywood to being about 2/3 done! It was in October, and I really enjoyed it. The paddle board is from CLC, which you're obviously familiar with. My next project is to build a double that I'm going to give to my parents. I went with the Wood Duck double for its stability and ease of entry. The models I've worked on are all beginner level 1 & 2 boats from Midwest Products, including the Chesapeake 17 kayak, Peterboro canoe, and a dinghy. They've been very nice projects for a beginner like me. chesapeake 17 Kaholo paddle board and the Pygmy Pinguino Sport: Looks like my Shenandoah will be sitting neglected for a while longer... Have a great weekend! Andy
  4. Yes! Got some good use out of it last summer, too! I am also nearly done with a 14 ft wood kayak, and I've also built several small, simple model boats (kayak, canoe, etc.) to work on my model skills. The Shenandoah was way above my head, and maybe still is... we shall see! Andy
  5. Steve, Greetings once again from Iowa City! Your progress is terrific!!! Beautiful work. I have been doing other projects, but when I get back to the Shenandoah, your documentation will help me tremendously. Cheers! Andy
  6. Beautifully done Steve! The way you inlaid (joggled?) those pieces below the transom looks really cool actually. Totally like they were planned that way :-) Your scuppers give it a very realistic appearance, too. Very, very nice!!! Andy
  7. Yes! Kowa spotting scope (TSN883) & iPhone adapter. I'm new at it but it's sure a great scope, especially for birds & wildlife in general. Andy
  8. here are my pics of the full moon the night of the "blood moon". if you missed out, be sure to keep your eyes open for the next one later this year - really a sight to behold!!! Andy
  9. Steve, hadn't checked in for a while - nice deck!! I will post a few pics from the Blood Moon earlier this month on my build log since you brought that up. I got a great pic of the full moon and an ok pic of the blood moon (it was darker, so the pic just wasn't as nice...) here in Iowa it was absolutely breathtaking from 2-3am that night. definitely worth getting up to see!!! Andy
  10. Steve, Beautiful work!! I'm totally in awe of the beautiful lines & clean transitions from one side to the next. You set the bar very high! I've been reading up on the next steps (mast, etc.), and the instructions are vague at best... the diagrams confusing (for me, at least). Any pics u take along the way will really help me, so I thank you in advance!! Andy
  11. I've scoured the web looking for pics of the Shenandoah to help guide me. If you're interested, this Italian site has some good pics of a completed model that looks similar if not identical to what I'm building: http://www.smf-modellismo.net/olympus/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4515 Andy
  12. I think the trim around the hull looks really nice, and I haven't even sanded or stained it yet! Almost looks like I know what I'm doing!!! (Ha ha ha!!!!) Cheers! Andy
  13. Futtocks, wale, trimmed hull & added detail to deck. Time to rest! Andy
  14. Mike, Sounds like you're making your way! Cheers!! Andy
  15. Steve, Tung oil really brings out the beauty of the walnut! Next time I will definitely use rabbets to make the hull look its best. The scuppers were an interesting project, and I am in awe of your boat! Your posts really helped. Futtocks are next!!! Cheers!!! Andy
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