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About Sparks

  • Birthday 01/02/1951

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  • Location
    Vlissingen, The Netherlands
  • Interests
    sailing ship model building, watches

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  1. Hi Flip, you made a comment on my O-1 buildlog in 2014, indicaties you live in Vlissingen and might be able to fine Some images of het "dokje van Perry". 


    Ive built a stand and bought a transport case for the O-1, and now I'm interested in mounting a 40x70cm photo behind the model of the dockyard. Ideally it would be an early 1900s foto - I've seen many on internet but no high-resolution ones. 


    If if you happen to come across something like this or know where I could find it let me know!  Appreciate it!



    1. Sparks


      Hello Freek,


      I've been looking around on the web as well, but probably found the same pics as you did.

      In any way no high resolution ones.

      Succes on your search.


      Greetings, Flip.

  2. More interesting prices on voelkner.de and direct ordering and delivery.
  3. I've bougth and used one. It's scrap. You'd better save your money for something else.
  4. Hi Freek, I'm rather new to this forum and not quite operating yet. This is my first post. The picture above of the (mini) dockyard triggered me. I know this one in Vlissingen/Flushing in The Netherland; my place of birth. About 40 years ago it was of no use anymore (financially) and it was dumped full of sand and in this way disappeared underground. Recently it was restored and repaired to fully operational, including the praticularly formed dockdoor. If you are interested, I can search for some information and pictures about this restoration-project and itss results. If so, just PM me. Greets, Flip (or Phil (= more international)).
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