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Mike Dowling

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Everything posted by Mike Dowling

  1. It doesn't actually rain that much - no more than parts of England and the scenery is to die for. I know, I moved here 17 years ago and love every minute of it rain, snow,wind, sun the lot!!!!
  2. Thank you for that Daniel, I think 3 are enough to stop a ship!
  3. I appreciate that neither of us has got that far yet but are you aware that Occre have only allowed for two sets of steps at the side of the ship but only one set for the other side. I want the ship to have two sets of ladders on each side so, I have saved a pair of the supplied metal ladders from the main bridge house and made my own for that.
  4. Now that you have done interior detail I would leave the windows as they are. Glazing them would be very tricky now.
  5. I have both stacks and vents on mine, definitely needed the holes.
  6. I have to say, I thought about doing something inside there but, seeing as how I cut part of the base out for the lighting I changed my mind! I did add doors which as you correctly pointed out that Occre had missed. I have also added doors to the other house with the glass roof which weren't there either. I have finally started to plank the hull of my AV.
  7. Well done with your searches. At least we definitely know how and where they are fixed. I have modified my housing for the lights a bit but there is no way I can build the metal cage round them. But, all being well my AV should at least have the lights!
  8. Sorry Daniel I missed your question. No, I haven't done a build log for mine as I'm not very good at them. If you don't mind I could probably put a couple of pictures of where I am at with mine on your log but I don't want to steal your posts any more than I already have.
  9. It does look like the mantua ones are on wire brackets putting the lights over the side but, the only way I can see to hide the wires is to put the lights on the deck. It might be cheating but will anybody really notice?
  10. Yes it's a problem Daniel but what I have done is make up a couple of housing like the mantua ones that will fit on the deck behind bins as you suggested. It might not be totally accurate but I reckon it will do. I have really struggled to get all the wiring in place and secure before starting the hull planking but I am nearly there now. Just got to figure out how to wire the rear white light. I think I will have to cut a slot for the wires in the back false keel and hope I can push them in in the end so that they don't show.
  11. Look what I found on a picture of the Mantua version! One navigation light!!
  12. Thanks for that Daniel although I'm not sure I understand what you mean about 'behind the bins'. By the way I hope you don't mind all my posts, I am not trying to steal your posts but I hope they might help us both.
  13. I am sure that someone with greater knowledge of ships than I will know the answer. On each side of the ship there are two projections with steps leading up to them with something like large stanchions on the top. Would these be the navigation lights ? Or what else could they be?
  14. Well done, I'm not surprised that I couldn't find them. Now the question arises, do I put them on or not?
  15. Have you managed to work out if the ship has any navigation lights and if so do you know where they are? I can't find any.
  16. Neat solution to the light bleed. Wow you are using heavy wire, I hope you can fit it in everywhere. I can't find any pictures under the transparent bit of that building either. It seems a message I added got lost in the ether but your lighting project looks amazing, far too clever for a guy like me. My lighting if it works after all the fairing/planking/ sanding will be an all or nothing job!
  17. Oh this is all much too clever for me!!! My lighting, if it still works after fairing/planking/sanding will be an all or nothing affair. I would love to see how you have wired everything and managed to hide it.
  18. I don't know if this is what you mean. I found it on google images of the ship. Whilst I'm here, I have installed all my hull lighting but I am wondering how you have wired all the individual leds you have put on so far. If you are doing hull lighting how will you stop the light bleed from below? Sorry, so many questions for you.
  19. Can you tell me where you found pictures of the real boiler/fire control room. I have had a good hunt but can't find any.
  20. Thank you very much for your comprehensive reply. I think my lighting will be simpler although so far I have had to modify all the bulkheads to accommodate wiring and leds for the hull. I am not sure how I am going to deal with the deck lights yet.
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