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Mike Dowling

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Everything posted by Mike Dowling

  1. Looks good but why did you paint them white ? They looked so good dark.
  2. I would stick a covering on the 'clipped' roof in fact I would plank it then plank the other one as well. You will never know the difference.
  3. Thank you Nils, with your wonderful models I really appreciate the compliment.
  4. Carl, would an Albatross do ? Ken, there is just no pleasing some people !! Boyd, I love you !!
  5. And finally, finally, I didn't like the stand much. It was too low and so now we have the dogfight from the ceiling !!
  6. I don't know why, it just happened that way and I think you are right - another hole in the ceiling !!!
  7. And finally ........... on it's provided stand and appropriately, under the Sopwith Camel !! (I still might fly it from the ceiling.)
  8. I hope it was a joke. I'm sure it was meant to be. Your comments are valid though but not maybe as a reply.
  9. I am so sorry Boyd that I was so slow !! No ship in a bottle for me. My next project is actually a plastic Bandai kit of a traction engine. I built it many years ago and gave it away but I really want to do it again as I remember it making up into a super model. After that I now have two more planes in my stash, the Albatross and the Curtiss Jenny, a Dennis fire engine and a London tram which again I have built before but very badly so I want to do it properly next time. so no boats for a while.
  10. Well folks, another project bites the dust ! The Fokker is complete except for the stand. I am waiting for some acrylic glue to make it up with unless I decide to fly it from the ceiling as planned alongside the Sopwith. Thank you all for watching, showing interest and all your comments. They make the build more fun for me. Anyway, some pictures for you which hopefully you will enjoy.
  11. Yes Danny, too late for holes. As you can see I did decide on the half cover option in the end, as much as anything to keep the theme Mark.
  12. Another thought! I have some plastic mesh left over from another build. I used it to make the windows in my yacht Mary. It would be just right for your grills. Do you have any ?
  13. Excellent stairs, well done Sir !! I think the hinges look fine and I personally would stick with them as they are.
  14. Some advice please viewers. The undercarriage on this plane was formed like a forth wing. On the model it is made of ribs like a wing and thin covered with very thin sheet metal. In view of the fact that I am half covering this model should I have cover this as well or do it all as per the pictures on the box ?
  15. The top wing is installed - what a fight that was trying to line up with the spars and glue them - it is covered, rigged and painted. Next step is the undercarriage
  16. There has been a slight problem with the kit. The cowl that goes over the fuel tank etc sits a wee bit too high at the back. It fits fine at the front and I notice on the instructions photographs that the discrepancy is there as well so it's not my fault. As a result the machine guns also sit about 3mm too high so I have had to modify their mounts somewhat. It's taken me ages but I think they look ok now and won't look too noticeable. I should say that the guns themselves were an absolute beast to make up. Rolling brass is great fun and those cross hairs are so tiny they would break in a breath.
  17. The reason is that I painted the Sopwith in the livery of Arthur Brown who was credited with shooting down the Baron so Iwanted the Fokker to follow the story so to speak.
  18. Well so much for my covering skills ! The next stage as far as I was concerned was to cover the tissue with dope and then paint it. Bad mistake. I am sure that is how I did it when I was making flyable planes in my youth. Anyway I had to rip it off and do it again hence the delay in a post. The way to do it is as follows. Cover the wing with tissue as tight as possible without tearing it. Wait for it to dry. Then paint it gently with dilute PVA. That makes it go all soggy and look dreadful but, when it dries you have a lovely tight smooth finish. Then apply two coats of dope/laquer and then paint it with the required colour. So, my third attempt looks like this and at last I can start putting bits together.
  19. No wing stitching for me - far too clever. Th 'battle damage' is a hole for the wing strut. I think that makes it deliberate damage.
  20. Just like that, good old tissue and dope. I did try painting the side without dope. Disaster ! I had to rip it off and start again. Dope first, paint second - lesson learnt.
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