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Everything posted by Cristiano

  1. Thank you! Well, this one will be easy... Too many clues on the photo, but I liked this photo so I posted it!
  2. John H. Amos? British steam paddle tug
  3. Maybe the schoolship corvette "ZARAGOZA", dated 1891, of the Mexican Navy?
  4. The hull colours and bow design are typical of early Imperial German Navy....I suppose....
  5. Well, it was the Foca Class, but not the Foca submarine. The name of the submarine was ATROPO of the Foca submarine minelayer Class. Since it will be easy to arrive to the right one (only three submarine were made of this class), I think that no one will blame me if I consider you the winner!! In anycase I will never propose again submarines, since are definetly a niche sector and I don't want to kill the game!
  6. No, not Bragadin and neither its class. It remains only one class and its related submarines...
  7. No, not Pietro Micca. But: -Same duty; -different class. But since the classes were not so crowded, the solution is at hand.
  8. I think that the photo alone is too difficult, so it is better to start to reduce the class range to be evaluated. below there is a photo of the stern of the submarines of the class of the unnamed one. Someone with some nautical and historical knowledge can recognize the purpouse of such stern and "dig" in the Italian submarines list and find the answer (internet contains all the answers!)
  9. No, sorry, none of the mentioned classes.
  10. It was Italian, yes. But not of the mentioned class. A bit tricky I must admit since the configuration in the photo was after an "upgrade"
  11. It seems that the submarines are not so appreciated... Well, so another tip: it was an Axis one. If a "cimiterial" silence will persist for a couple of days, I will propose something more classic and that FLOATS!!
  12. Usually submarines are not so easy to recognize, since are very similar each others. But I think that internet will help a lot. I focused in the most distinctive part of the ship, which was the turret, and the camouflage pattern. A starting tip: WW2.
  13. Well, to be honest it appears almost identical to the "Adventure Galley", dated 1698, which was on of the ships of the (unlucky) pirate William Kidd... ...but since you say that no pirates are involved, I say "Charles Galley", dated 1688
  14. Great! finally a mistery more new than the usual "Mary Celeste" one!!
  15. Hello Jan, probably the informations regarding this ship were taken from this website: http://kaiser-wilhelm-ii.over-blog.com/article-18-104248139.html
  16. While you are waiting for answer, if you are bored, try this: -It is a promotional photo of a passenger room; -it was really a black-white photo; -the photo is not mirrored; -the ship was USA made. Which was the ship name? the sub-section of the game is called "Cristiano raised the bar level to a new definition of pain"
  17. Almost all of my thoughs are already included in previous other answers, so I will not repeat something that has been already said. In anycase, if someone want to approach the wooden ships world for the first time, should start absolutely with simple small kits and with a lot of humbleness, since wood sometimes is not so a "smart material" to be managed. The world is full (and ebay too!!) of big (and costly) ships started by newbies and never finished, due to their willingness collapsed in front of contructions problems never seen before.
  18. Of course I understood (really? it was a challenge in anycase! ), but probably I used not enough smiling emoticons in the answer
  19. Are you joking??? is it really a question?? do you need really the name of the "thing" on the left?? Ok! it is called "Rubber Duck" and it is a floating sculpture of the Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman. The photo was taken in Hong Kong. But please, I refuse to win with such a "ship", so please make another question... and consider null the present question!
  20. I found something improved: three funnels instead of two: "City of Rome" but I suppose cannot be accepted... but maybe had a sister...
  21. the wood ships modelling allows you to improve a standard kit greatly. you can add more rigging, accessories, and so on. but the best results are obtained when you work with a reasonable scale. that because there is a physical limit on reducing the space occupied by all the rigging involved in a sailing ship. so when possible, it should be chosed a scale from 1:60 and lower.
  22. a ship with at least 98 guns, possibly royal navy... Hms Boyne?
  23. Interesting... I try to "think different": it is rather similar to the Italian steam ship "Italo Platense"
  24. I don't want to make a list of all the ships launched and sinked this day thorugh the history, but a notable one: 1945: Nazi Prison ships Cap Arcona and Thielbek were bombed and sinked by RAF fighters and bombers. 7000 to 8000 POW died. The POW where prisoners of lagers and the nazis project was to send the ships in the open sea and sink them, in order to "hide" living proofs of their athrocities. The RAF though where enemy troop carriers and bombed them. The high number of people died was because the nazis sealed each opening and blocked the safety boats. Ah, yes: 1494: Cristoforo Colombo discovered Jamaica. He has done it on a ship, I suppose....
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