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Everything posted by geoff

  1. Thanks for the info Greg. I will leave the AOTS & the Caldercraft catalogue open on the relevant pages, well C....tmas is drawing ever nearer. Devious I know, but.......!!!!.! Geoff
  2. Hi David,Following your Endeavour build with interest as the Caldercraft version is on my C.......M..! wish list along with the Mary Rose. I looked up the Ray Parkin book on Amazon. £456.88 new to £150.00 used! Is it really that good as I already have the Marquardt Anatomy of the Endeavour? Keep up the good work,your model is looking really good. All the best, Geoff
  3. It's "horses for courses"really. As long as you avoid Chinese "Rip Offs"! You can't really go far wrong, but for what it's worth I tend to favour Caldercraft JoTiKa. I emphasise that this is a personal preference. Geoff
  4. A bit more info. Ian. The article by Chuck that I referred to can be found on the NRG website . It was sent to me by David Spindle. Geoff
  5. Hey Up Ian, A little while ago I posted an idea for making footrope stirrups. Someone whose name escapes me (sorrywell I am 71 y'know!) sent me an article by Chuck Passaro which may be of use. He mentions stuns'l booms, yards etc.. It's called " Intermediate techniques for modelling yard details , Stuns'l Boom Irons,footropes,yard cleats,blocks,and more.".........Phew.! If you can locate & download it, it may be of use. All the best, Geoff
  6. thanks Jersey City & Jerry. I do not really think we are anywhere nearer to the "Definitive" answer because there are so many conflicting answers that make topics like this so interesting!! Long live the MSW& NRG!!
  7. thank you Gaetan for that very interesting insight. I think that myself & others tend to fall into the"Trap" that Tar is black & this is not necessarily so ! It just adds to the confusion! Geoff
  8. thanks for that Wayne,they certainly knew how to explain things in those days, why use one word when ten will do! I have been reading "The Warship Mary Rose" by David Childs & some of the letters sent to Henry VIII are almost illegible! There are so many conflicting explanations that I don't thing there really is a definite answer, but all the more interesting for all that!
  9. thanks Dafi ,I feel much better now!! Oh by the way, the Indian Ink has gone in the bin!! :D
  10. I apologise unreservedly for opening this "can of worms"! Nevertheless, it is certainly very interesting & I don't think we will ever find a definitive answer because I don't think there is one! Geoff
  11. that was some reply Popeye! Thanks a lot ! All this is very interesting and I suppose when it comes down to it, it is a matter of interpretation & personal preference. More research may be required! Geoff
  12. mia culpa!!
  13. I now believe that there is no definitive answer, I suppose it is down to personal opinion & taste!?
  14. Cheers Kester I knew I could rely on you for the answer!
  15. WOW that's some reply Frankie! One reason I asked this question in the first place was because with a bit of luck& following wind the "Gentleman with the white beard" will bless me in a few months time with a Mary Rose kit! Have you seen the shrouds on that one? 20 + on each side! I followed Keith Juliers idea of using natural hemp stained black with Indian Ink on my "Supply". I may leave the ratlines natural on my Mary Rose if I am so blessed! Thanks a lot for your interest. Oh for a camera & a time machine!! Geoff
  16. If tarred rope was used in running rigging would any surplus build up in blocks, sheaves etc. & jam them? Also wasn't "old rope" picked out & used for Oakum, if it was tarred it would be useless for this? Interesting !! Geoff
  17. hmmm true, but then what about running rigging?That was/is left "Natural"!
  18. yet you come across picture after picture of models with black ratlines!?
  19. I always thought(&read) that ratlines were tarred black? Now I read that they were left in natural hemp! The reason being that in tropical seas the tar would melt & stick to Mariners feet. I can see both being feasible, but which one is correct, maybe both !? Geoff
  20. Hi Bill, Don't tempt me .I have to live with the consequences, think I 'll wait for the man with the big white beard, It's not that long to wait!!
  21. just as I thought! To the best of my knowledge it runs for 120 issues @ £5.99 a time = £720.00+extras for binders etc..The Caldercraft kit is currently £280.00. I now intend leaving this on the screen "Accidentally" for the Admiral to see, the" Big C" word is only 5 months away thanks everyone!! Geoff
  22. just "discovered" that Hachette are doing the Mary Rose part work , has anyone started this & what is it like? I ask because I gave up the Black Pearl due to certain difficulties with supplies etc.!
  23. not an expert hey, who are you kidding?!!!
  24. wow thanks for such a detailed & informative reply.More power to the "MSW" elbow! Geoff
  25. sorry to "throw cold water" on such an interesting topic, but nice as those flat coils lying on the deck of a model look, did they really have them on full size ships? I mean what would happen when a heavy sea washed over the decks? Geoff
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