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Everything posted by geoff

  1. hey Up Mobsie, Have you ever visited the Sparrows Nest Park museum in Lowestoft ? They might be able to help? All the best, Geoff
  2. Your Victory looks fantastic,to get to the stage you are at now from October 2014 to now is incredible, do you ever sleep!?
  3. I would imagine it is a piece of Ramin some 6mm x 5mm x 750mm long but as I am not familiar with this particular kit (?), so please don't quote me! In the meantime perhaps you could look on the kit build logs here to find your particular model.
  4. It,s Admiralty colours from Caldercraft/ JoTiKa for me, or Humbrol enamels from most decent model shops.
  5. if you want 45 degree angles on say strip wood up to 25mm I find a small mitre block & razor saw the most accurate
  6. enjoying watching your excellent build very much Ron as I am just about to finish planking my hull. I notice you haven't added bumpkins . I am in two minds myself as they just don't look right to me & very vulnerable to damage, any thoughts?
  7. Hi Bryan, I see you live in Buxton, are Tabwell tools in Bakewell still in business ? If so you could try there for a spokeshave. personally I use a mini lathe & sandpaper.
  8. welcome to this great site Steven looks like you are off to a "Flying Start"!..... Sorry! all the best, Geoff
  9. I think Humbrol do, or did a brass paint that you can polish gently when dry, not seen it for a while though since my R/C scale days 15 years ago!
  10. I have an "L" shape work bench & use a swivelling office chair so I can swing from side to side. I removed a deep pile carpet to help find the odd small piece that drops on the floor. Have you ever tried finding a 3mm block in a 4mm carpet !?
  11. I like Caldercraft & Victory Models instructions myself, not had any experience of others but understand Chuck's Syren instructions are excellent. All the best, Geoff
  12. or do it the easy way! I buy "Becc Flags". from "model flags.com" They list 100's of types & sizes printed double sided on a flexible material which can be stiffened with dilute PVA glue
  13. I agree with Matti. It's a brush & water based acrylics for me every time. I found airbrushing too fiddly & time consuming, at least with acrylics you can clean your brushes quickly in water!
  14. size 1/0 Aberdeen fine wire eyed black fishhooks with the bent bit cut off make very neat eyebolts & handrail stanchions. I got 50 for £2.40 from Amazon
  15. welcome "Jefzee" Take a look at the Caldercraft/ JoTiKa range as well . All the best, Geoff
  16. Hi Mike , I am really enjoying your fantastic Endeavour build as I hope to start my Caldercraft version early in the new year. I notice you stowed your anchors with the fluke resting on the side of the vessel. With the ship rolling couldn't this lead to a hole being bashed in the side? Not a criticism, just an observation, but I could be wrong of course! all the best, Geoff
  17. I have never come across any of the companies you mention, for what its worth I would say stick to well known manufacturers that you can trust. All the best, Geoff
  18. way before 1951 JesseLee. I once built a R/C model of a wooden steam drifter called "Formidible" c1900 & they are clearly shown on pics. of these vessels but I guess they go even further back than that? All the best, Geoff
  19. Oh well never mind, the exercise will do you good!! All the best, Geoff
  20. after I typed in baggywrinkles then I clicked on wikkipedia. I got a few lines of info that's all.
  21. I got some info by googling "baggywrinkles".
  22. I have seen it used on say a fore & aft mizzen sail where a running rigging line, or downhaul crosses the sail diagonally & as Dave rightly says it prevents the rigging chafing against the sail. Not sure where the origin of the word "Baggywrinkles" comes from other than I like the sound of it!
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