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    Rich.F got a reaction from Sjors in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    Well Progress has been rather rapid this week and I Must say, I have taken a bit not note from Roberts Log, ((Thanks)) LOL
    Every thing also just slipped in to place, To the point I am at the point to I rip off the side I have completed and do it the same as I am doing.
    The cost of 1500 tiles are about £40. ($60). But Not sure.. time will tell..

  2. Like
    Rich.F reacted to src in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Looks great Rich! Me likey!
  3. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from mort stoll in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    Well Progress has been rather rapid this week and I Must say, I have taken a bit not note from Roberts Log, ((Thanks)) LOL
    Every thing also just slipped in to place, To the point I am at the point to I rip off the side I have completed and do it the same as I am doing.
    The cost of 1500 tiles are about £40. ($60). But Not sure.. time will tell..

  4. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from src in Enterprise by src - Constructo - 1:51 - or Lessons in Adapt Improvise and Overcome   
    Looks Really Nice Sam,
  5. Like
    Rich.F reacted to src in Enterprise by src - Constructo - 1:51 - or Lessons in Adapt Improvise and Overcome   
    Steve, No but I did do the LaBomba once on a table, does that count? 
    I programed the Arduino tonight, well actually I did a cut and paste from here:
    It was pretty straight forward. I put everything together on a bread board and tested all three circuits and was ok with what I saw. One of the lines of code; analogWrite(ledPin2, TrueRandom.random(0,255)); sets the brightness of the flicker. 0 is off and 255 is full brightness I think I will play with those numbers and try to get a more scale flicker.
    Well now, Google is insisting on my phone number to verify my identity so I can upload to youtube. I have no intention of giving them my phone number. The video are linked below. They have been scaned for viruses. I understand if you don't want to download a link from somebody you don't know.
    If you choose to click I hope you enjoy.
    Arduino flicker.MOV
    ship flicker.MOV
  6. Like
    Rich.F reacted to src in Enterprise by src - Constructo - 1:51 - or Lessons in Adapt Improvise and Overcome   
    Thanks all for the comments and likes, always appreciated.
    So I tore the door off to get to the burned out LED. I did entirely too good a job anchoring that one. Really had a hard time getting to it, damaged some of my bulkhead planking in the process but I got it out. Cut the dead one out and then looked at how little wire I had to work with. Some how I had to get a 500 + degree soldering tip about a half inch away from my delicate and irreplaceable planking with out scorching it. I used some aluminum foil as a heat shield, figured that would save me from all but the worst disasters. (Living 50-ish miles from the San Andreas Fault now would be a perfect time for the Big One!)
    I slipped some heat shrink tube over the wires, did my best to crimp the leads and wires together and soldered away.
    I have found when soldering small connections like this I get better results if I use a technique from soldering the coming on stained glass windows. I use a separate flux and solder rather than rosin core solder. A bit O flux on my joint and then melt some solder on the tip of the iron, touch the iron to the joint and if your tip is set to the right temp the solder just flows off. Then I just had to pull the heat shrink tube over the bare wires and shrink it. But with what??? My heat gun is just a bit too much and I wasn't going to use a lighter. In addition to nose hair wood is also flammable I am told. I kept the foil in place and used my soldering torch on the lowest setting I could get it to run at then held it as far away as I could and still activate the heat shrink. 
    Obligatory pictures (gotta keep You Know Who happy....) Yes the door is crooked, I noticed when I loaded the pictures on the computer. Its been reset as well as I can get it. Something is off, I am not sure if the door is out of whack or if one of my decks  or more likely its the bulkhead planking is off plumb.


  7. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from mort stoll in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    After gluing the hull, filling sanding and repainting>
    I have tarted the copper plates, and I must say they have gone on with ease, probably because I know how to fit them, need more practice mind you..
    From the center out 10 tiles each way.

  8. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from src in Enterprise by src - Constructo - 1:51 - or Lessons in Adapt Improvise and Overcome   
    Hi Sam, Joking apart, She is a great looking ship. I do wish I had your skill level,.
  9. Like
    Rich.F reacted to src in Enterprise by src - Constructo - 1:51 - or Lessons in Adapt Improvise and Overcome   
    Gives Rich the stink eye   I blame it on that rodent that my life revolves around.
  10. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from src in Enterprise by src - Constructo - 1:51 - or Lessons in Adapt Improvise and Overcome   
    HI Sam Coming along, and look great, Love seeing the detail and work you put in to the ship.
    The Curise ship "Britannia"  Only took less than 2 years to construct... A great looking ship, I have driven past it.
    Just Saying .... Keep up the good work...( so glad im on the other side of the pond..
  11. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from cog in Enterprise by src - Constructo - 1:51 - or Lessons in Adapt Improvise and Overcome   
    HI Sam Coming along, and look great, Love seeing the detail and work you put in to the ship.
    The Curise ship "Britannia"  Only took less than 2 years to construct... A great looking ship, I have driven past it.
    Just Saying .... Keep up the good work...( so glad im on the other side of the pond..
  12. Like
    Rich.F reacted to src in Enterprise by src - Constructo - 1:51 - or Lessons in Adapt Improvise and Overcome   
    Wooo!!! Hoooo!!!!!
    After MONTHS of this, that and the other thing she looks different! I rebuilt some window frames this week and installed them then glued up the assemblies into some quarter badge/galleries. Last night I took the plunge and hacked open the hull to expose the LEDs that were buried so long ago when I planked over them. I set the galleries in place and carefully marked them out on the hull and started cutting. And cutting. And CUTTING. Nervous the whole time I would slip and gouge the hull. I did slip once, its a minor scratch and should rub out with a bit of dark oil.

    When I finally removed the planking I discovered my LED bar was just a bit too low. AS Agent 86 would say "Missed it by THAT much!!" 

    When I laid out the replacement windows I scaled up a bit and moved everything up to the bottom of the wale forgetting where I had placed the lights. Oh well there should be enough light to light up the windows, I hope. I won't be too upset since the odds are I will only light them once or twice until the novelty wears off.
    Some careful scraping and gluing and something new on the hull.



        On Tuesday I went in to a Radio Shack near work to pick up the parts I needed to build the DC version of the PWM Flicker circuit here:   
    Turns out this store is closing and everything is 40-60% off. Oh NO!!!!!!  $$$$$$$
    They had this little gadget on sale for $35 down from $75.

    Its an Ardiuno Uno kit. It even came with a bunch of resistors, LED breadboard precut and stripped jumpers, etc. All I have to do is download programs and install to get candle flicker for my LED. I can even add trim pots in to either globally or individually control brightness. Just have to learn a bit of programming. Or ask the programmer at work.......
    Anyway now its back to rigging gun carriages, I am really glad there is only 14. right at the moment I can imagine doing one of those 50 or 75 gun ships. Yikes!
    If all goes well I might even have some canons installed by this time next week. We shall see.
  13. Like
    Rich.F reacted to Glenn-UK in HMS Victory by Glenn-UK - Caldercraft - 1/72   
    Had a good session yesterday in the shipyard, and a couple of hours today and I have now finally completed the gun port lids on the port side. I will paint and fit the dummy cannon barrels in slow time, as I plan to move on to the rudder assembly.
    View of Port Side

    View of Starboard Side

  14. Like
    Rich.F reacted to Glenn-UK in HMS Victory by Glenn-UK - Caldercraft - 1/72   
    Work continues with Hammock Cranes.
    Pictures of first completed hammock crane assembly

    Fitted the poop deck hammock cranes both  port and starboard

    Added the rigging thread to starboard side

    Starting to attach the netting
    attachment=232102:007 Hammock Netting Poop.jpg]

  15. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from src in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    HI Sam, 
    Sure ill jump on the next flight........ wait... Lost my ticket sorry!!
  16. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maggsl_01 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    Hi Max, 
    Thanks for stopping by,
    I have had fun with the copper plates and I really don't want to do it again... Its been a challenge 
  17. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from shihawk in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    After gluing the hull, filling sanding and repainting>
    I have tarted the copper plates, and I must say they have gone on with ease, probably because I know how to fit them, need more practice mind you..
    From the center out 10 tiles each way.

  18. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from maggsl_01 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    After gluing the hull, filling sanding and repainting>
    I have tarted the copper plates, and I must say they have gone on with ease, probably because I know how to fit them, need more practice mind you..
    From the center out 10 tiles each way.

  19. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from peterwwebster in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    After gluing the hull, filling sanding and repainting>
    I have tarted the copper plates, and I must say they have gone on with ease, probably because I know how to fit them, need more practice mind you..
    From the center out 10 tiles each way.

  20. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from src in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    After gluing the hull, filling sanding and repainting>
    I have tarted the copper plates, and I must say they have gone on with ease, probably because I know how to fit them, need more practice mind you..
    From the center out 10 tiles each way.

  21. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from Shipyard sid in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    After gluing the hull, filling sanding and repainting>
    I have tarted the copper plates, and I must say they have gone on with ease, probably because I know how to fit them, need more practice mind you..
    From the center out 10 tiles each way.

  22. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from Sjors in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    After gluing the hull, filling sanding and repainting>
    I have tarted the copper plates, and I must say they have gone on with ease, probably because I know how to fit them, need more practice mind you..
    From the center out 10 tiles each way.

  23. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from robert22564 in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    After gluing the hull, filling sanding and repainting>
    I have tarted the copper plates, and I must say they have gone on with ease, probably because I know how to fit them, need more practice mind you..
    From the center out 10 tiles each way.

  24. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from Sjors in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    I have PVA/Wood Glue, the hull, tonight i'm going to sand it, then fill it.
    I have finished for now, the upper gun fixings and the steps to the lower deck. I'm not going to add these until i have finished the hull copper plating.

  25. Like
    Rich.F got a reaction from Sjors in HMS Victory by Rich.F - FINISHED - Caldercraft - Scale: 1/72   
    Hello All, Thanks for the comments and Likes, as always very much appreciated. 
    I Did have a Picture before the Cannon Balls and Painting.. Bloody SD card on the phone has come corrupt. 
    Used a Fridge Magnet to stock pile the cannon balls.
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