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Everything posted by downeaster

  1. As I was looking at the cabin, I decided I didn't like the brown paint I used. It looked to light so I decided to change the brown color to a darker shade. Glad I decided before got to far into the build.
  2. I started on the cabin. Taking it slow and enjoying everything coming to together.
  3. I skipped planking until I have enough time from work to complete without distractions. I did start with some of the deck fixtures.
  4. My plan is to build a static model. My focus is on working ships like trawlers and fishing boats.
  5. Colin, I build my stands myself no plans. I do look around the internet for ideas. I enjoy the build of the stand as much as the model itself. Good luck with your build and I would encourage you to start a build log to share to this community.
  6. If you start a build log and provide so pictures that would help to understand what your struggling with. Glad to help if I can.
  7. welcome Bob j. Fellow mainer here. Welcome to this great hobby.
  8. some pic to catch up my photos of my build. I should be finishing this build soon. Got more pic coming soon of finishing touches.
  9. Been awhile with posting on my build. Hope everyone is still watching the Andrea Gail build log. I am at the point with adding deck fixtures and finishing pieces.
  10. Got time to get some work done on the build. I scratch build some deck fixtures with round styrene. I think the finished look is more realistic than the kits laser cut parts. thanks for following my build.
  11. After main cabin is built and painted...next step is to apply decals. Not a fan of decals because I don't think they will age well with the finished model. I decided to use vinyl numbers. Then I installed railings to the Andrea Gail.
  12. Started the build of main cabin. This kits laser cut parts are good which makes each step easy and enjoyable.
  13. Back at the bench. This kit is great. I removed parts for the next step. The part is to "square" for the look I like to see on my build. I scratch build a replacement that is more "round" like the real part on the boat. It is more work but will have a better look to the finished model.
  14. Both halves glued together. Got planking complete. Sanded down then filled and sanded again. Thanks everyone that has stopped by to watch my build. Thanks popeye for the extra photos. The movie "perfect storm" had a female captain named Linda Greenlaw as part of fishing fleet. I have met the real Linda Greenlaw portrayed in the movie. I live on the coast of Maine, so working boats are what I enjoy building. Built a Ice machine on to the deck. Ice machine to keep the ships catch on ice.
  15. I didn't like to idea of planking the hull in two halves. I decided to glue the frame together before planking making sure both sides got build equal to each other.
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