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Everything posted by downeaster

  1. Would love to see some pics of your kit bashed into the northwestern. I have thought about doing the same thing. Jerryb if you start a build log , I would definitely be a follower
  2. Finally got back to the workbench. Look at the pics ....I am greatful for clamps...Starting on the planking part of the build now..Thanks for stopping by, hopefully become a follower...
  3. Today got to work on my build. I cut out the false keel, the frames and the stiffeners out of the laser cut sheets. The wood in the kit is great and the laser cuts seem to be right on so far. Began glueing the frames to the keel
  4. This is my beginning of my build log of Marina II. I like working on working boats like this one. just completed my build of the mare nostrum another working boat by artesania latina. Looking forward to this build because the scale makes this boat bigger and have more details built on it.Thanks for stopping by my build log.
  5. Looking forward to your build log of the sanson tug. It is on my wish list for a future build for myself. Good luck with planking,my advise is dont rush and enjoy the build.
  6. I like your diorama you put your mare nostrum into. Great way to display someone's build. Thanks osdet7 for your post of your pics.
  7. Well I am back at the workbench finishing up the build. I decided to put on my boat a fishing net. This kit did not come with one so I came across this green material while shopping with the admiral. Also bought some colored beads to help with the look of a fishing net. Would like to know what everyone thoughts are on this idea....
  8. Started to work on the little amount of rigging the build has. This is my first time doing rigging and it a great learning experience to have when in this hobby.Here are some pics showing my progress.
  9. Here are some pics to show where i am at in my build. I'm starting to get into the rigging of the build. Started to think about how I am going to put into this build a fishing net in the stern area of my Mare Nostrum.
  10. Well I am back at the work bench again. Getting everything organized to continue my build and my build log of my Mare Nostrum. Just getting the tools out and refreshing my memory to where I left off......the boat building bug has started.
  11. I thinking about filling my work space with great quality hobby paint. Like to know everyone's preference when it comes to their paint supply. Model Expo, Billings paint, tamiaya or other..... Model Expo got paints set on a great sale.... has anyone used their paints ? Thanks Everyone
  12. Hello to everyone here at MSW. Would like to let everyone know this build log isnt dead. With work and busy schedules my build is not over. Soon to update .......
  13. Got some deck furniture built and painted. Pics of those deck furniture in place on the deck of the Mare.
  14. Got the hull fully painted. I have enjoyed this build and I recommend this kit to everyone.
  15. This kit does come with a stand to display your finished Mare Nostrum. I didnt like the look of the stand, looked to small. So I scratch built my own stand. My first small step into scratch building in this hobby and enjoyed it. Pics are the stand holding the hull in its new home.
  16. Got all sanding done with the hull. I have decided to paint my Mare Nostrum. Here are some pics of hull all primed coated.
  17. Got the planking done. The pics are the sanding, filling and shapeing of the hull. Very happy with the outcome of the shape of my hull after the planking.
  18. Got to step that I was most worried about..PLANKING. I got alot of info and tips for this step from other great members of MSW in their build logs. MSW, its moderators and administrators make this a great site for anyone in the hobby.
  19. Got the deck shaped , fitted, and glued. I started the deck planking. Every step you get to see the shape of your Mare come together.
  20. Here is pic of my progress of my build so for. Got the Mare on the build board to help hold it straight. Slow and steady to enjoy this build. Isnt the old saying, check all your fitted parts twice than glue once.
  21. My first build log. I have fell in love with this great hobby. It is very rewarding to see yourself build a ship from a bunch of sticks, (as the wife calls this kit). Pic of the box Pic of materials
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