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Everything posted by downeaster

  1. Got time to work on the hull this week. This is a big model compared to my last. Not much to see yet but here are some pics....
  2. Welcome aboard from a fellow Mainer. Maine is a great place with alot of inspiration for model boat building. You will find very useful tips, tricks and ideas in this forum. MSW members are always willing to answer questions and help. Welcome aboard.
  3. I started a new build. St. Elme is a traditional fishing boat. I am a static modeler but it can to built for RC. The scale of this build is new to me with the length 35 inches. Need a bigger model bench !!!! I could not find much on build logs for this model.
  4. Marina II build coming to the finish line. I enjoyed this model and the time at the modeling bench. I named the model after my late sister. For my second ship....I am very pleased with finished model. I followed colors from the Marina II box art. Thanks for everyone that followed this build.
  5. The paint I use at this time asked is craft paint that can be found easily.
  6. Started work on the masts. I didn't like the way the instructions mention how to place the light fixtures on the masts. See pic... I decided to insert light fixture into hole I drilled into the mast supports...
  7. Bluejacket is a great, long time company in this great hobby of ship models. Midwest was a company that many of hobby builders got their start. It was sad to see a company in the hobby end. It would be wonderful if there was a chance Bluejacket to pick up the midwest line and keeping it from becoming a part of history in the hobby. Re-releasing midwest older kits like the one in this build log for many that didn't get the chance to build would be great. Just my thoughts for a hobby that we all love.
  8. I have just started to begin the build of the two masts. Here are some pics of the main cabin set in place not glued in yet.... The end looks near but I am probably turning the half way point. Enjoying the build and hope you enjoy following.
  9. Finishing the all the deck fixtures.... Thanks for stopping by my build log....
  10. Started to build radar and other deck equipment. This is a fishing ship. So there is fishing hooks and nets to build.
  11. With close inspection of the finished hull, I noticed two areas that planks opened up slightly. They were not really easy to see but they bothered me and I would not be happy with the finished model if I left it. The old saying you are your own worst judge on your models. sanding down then primed the hull again ....ready for paint
  12. I am a static model builder. This model can be radio controlled, there is room inside the hull for everything you need. This kit is made so the main cabin can be removed to access the inside of the hull. Hope this helps you... hof00. If you like pics of the space inside the hull, i will post.
  13. Been awhile but got updated pics for my build. Alot of time been spent with sanding and painting. Enjoying this build and isn't that the reason we do this hobby. I believe the most important part of this hobby is having a comfortable chair...you will be spending alot of time in it. Thanks you checking in on my build.
  14. Boat is in the stand and began working on all the deck fixtures. Enjoyed time on the hull but glad to be done. I been thinking about the idea of lighting my model. Never done lighting but need to start planning for it now. Thanks for following... All the parts to make one storage bin....need to make 6 in total All 6 bins built and painting them begun
  15. Today all focus was getting the hull painted. Alot of time was spent taping off areas and painting all the colors. I did remember to take some pics thru the process.
  16. Stopped in to check out some great work. Your build logs along show good clean work. Keep it up. Downeaster from Maine
  17. Hull is finally ready for paint This kit does not supply a display stand. Before I begin the painting of the hull..it needs a place to set and not directly on the workbench. I began work on a display stand I saw somewhere on the web. I enjoy challenging myself to building all my display stands and not using standard stands. Some more sanding than either brown wash or stain to the stand.
  18. Just finished the final shaping of the hull. Applying primer coats today. Have pics showing my progress after primer has dried. Thanks
  19. Here is the latest pics of my progress. Work on the hull still in process with railing to be attached next. Also began some painting, I am following the paint colors on the box. Thanks for stopping by to look at my build log.
  20. Back at the work bench finally. Got planking finished with one coat of primer applied. Decking also completed with pencil rubbed on edge of every deck plank. Feels great to get back working on my Marina II. Thanks for looking.
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