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About monet63

  • Birthday 12/28/1963

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  • Interests
    Model ship - musical instruments - painting - photography - reading - astronomy

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  1. Greetings to all friends. I came into possession of two bottles of viscous cyanoacrylate, "ARKA" brand: one specific for plastic, the other for 3D printing (so, I suppose, ABS and similar). When I need a cyanoacrylic I usually use another brand (Colle 21) and, if I don't have any or can't find it, the common SuperAttack Power Gel (wood) or the original (if I need it to be liquid, for example to block certain rigging). I was wondering: what are the real differences between the various cyanoacrylates, designed for specific uses? That is: what problem could I have using a 3D cyanoacrylate - for example - with wood? Thank everyone in advance.
  2. Close (but not very close) to Amati, Mantua/Sergal/Panart, Corel, Euromodel, Mamoli...😁
  3. Hi everyone. After a rather long period of reading, I decided to sign up and introduce myself. My name is Mimmo, I'm 60 years old, I'm a retired Italian Navy veteran. I've sailed a lot in my life; now, that I don't anymore, I sail with my imagination and models. I find the diversity of people on this forum absolutely wonderful: a huge worldwide community. A big greeting to everyone and, as they say where I come from: "buon vento!".
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