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About Rheinschiffer

  • Birthday 04/25/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Koblenz; Germany
  • Interests
    Shipbuilding, Wado Ryu, TSY

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  1. Hi Karl, I'am speachless. But I think this is normal when I look at your work. Greetings Holger
  2. Hi Karl, incredible work. with best regards from Koblenz Holger
  3. Hi Karl, i can't say anything else than wonderful. Greetings from the neighborhood Rheinschiffer Hallo Karl, mir gehen langsam die Komplimente aus ! Gruß aus Koblenz Holger
  4. Hi Karl, another set of buitiful photos of your brilliant work. Holger P.S: Pünktlich zu Sylvester mal schön Bleigießen .....äh ich meine natürlich Zinngießen :-)
  5. Hi Karl, something in the way I've been thinking. The ship seems to have really done to you so if you always build a new section. greeting Holger Hallo Karl, sowas in der Art habe ich mir schon gedacht. Das Schiff scheint es dir ja echt angetan zu haben, wenn du immer wieder eine neue Section baust. Gruß Holger
  6. Hi Karl, I have to ask you something. First you built the back-section then you built the front-section an now you are still work on the middle-section. Am I right that the ship is complete at the end? Why did you built in section? That you have been able to show the ship from inside? Regards Holger
  7. Hi Karl, I follow your content since a few month and I have to say that I' am speechless. You work in such a high quality and so fast!! Wonderful! Regards Holger
  8. Hi Karl, I' am speechless. Every part of the ship wonderfull. Regards Holger
  9. Hi Karl, amazing work! It is allways a pleasure to see your work. "Bei dem miesen Wetter im Rheinland, sind deine Bilder ein echter Lichtblick!" Regards Holger
  10. Hi Karl. that is very impressive. regards Holger
  11. Hi Karl, I`am speachless! This is a such a wonderful work. With best regards Rheinschiffer
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