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  1. Hello, being a master goldsmith and working with these drawplates on a day to day basis, please take into consideration that jewellers' drawplates are not designed to scrape away material. On one side the holes have a deep taper to facilitate wire to be reduced in diameter by compressing the metal (and lengthening in consequence, volume of wire remains the same), on the other side, the holes are chamfered. You'd have to grind away a considerable amount of metal from the side where the diameters of the holes are smaller to get to the point of the nominal size of the hole, their smallest diameters. Otherwise, these drawplates don't cut.
  2. Not mine, I just gave links 😉. Others did the work.
  3. You could easily make one yourself: Take a strip of wood, say about 5" long for the dimensions you are talking of, drill a hole for a pencil into the middle of it (length- and widthwise). Drill 2 more holes with exactly the same distance ( about 1/2") from the middle hole for 2 pins that protrude on one side of the wood strip farther than the pencil tip. To use, put the gauge over the wood strip you want to mark so the pencil tip touches the wood, let the pins slide along the edges of the strip and draw along the strip. There will be a short length at each end that is not marked as there is nothing the foremost pin can contact there. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://m.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DpXG2vYt_0Vk&ved=2ahUKEwjWqYuP-NiEAxU9gv0HHV4JAb44FBC3AnoECBAQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Ek9IhL7iSkQCpkaSGAWFe https://www.bosch-diy.com/de/de/all-about-diy/community/4015448 Deluxe version: Centre line gadget
  4. Perhaps a copy of Cutty Sark's weathervane ... 😉
  5. Actually, it translates as: "thunderbolts of the (an) insulted king". Seems Google mistook "fulmina" for "femina", the latter meaning "woman". 😉
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