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Everything posted by DORIS

  1. And now, how I continued with Royal Caroline..... Third layer of card stripes - this was a last solid layer before finishing: After another grinding the hull was airbrushed by acrylic body spray/surfacer (intended for cars): For the finishing I used self-adhesive foils....
  2. Hello dear friends! Thank you very much for your comments and kind words, I appreciate it a lot and I am really very honoured to be here together with you. Also thank you, Karl, for a great inspiration of awesome models and carvings by Ivan Trtanj. His work is absolutely outstanding and amazing. I have known this artist some time and admire him a lot. Kind regards Doris
  3. Hull planking - second layer from stripes (I used again 1mm thick card): Second layer after grinding:
  4. Hull planking - first layer: And after grinding:
  5. Deck planking (I use strips from self-adhesive foils with wooden grain): Hull reinforcement complete: First layer of hull planking:
  6. Hull reinforcement is made of wood and card
  7. Hello dear friends , in summer 2012 I have started a scratch build of HMY Royal Caroline 1749 in a scale 1/40. The model is made of card (mainly) and other materials (modeling clay, wood, self-adhesive foils etc.). I will proceed according to plans from the book Anatomy of the ship, which are quite detailed and nicely designed. Other documents and information come from foreign literature, which describes construction, fitting and rigging of ships from this period. Because I want to build a realistic model of the RC as possible, I will be grateful for any comments and suggestions, which could help me to achieve that result. I chose Royal Caroline mainly for her sleek lines and beautiful sculptural decoration, and also because finally I will not have to make so many cannons as on the previous models.... One of the most realistic painting of HMY Royal Caroline and peregrine (second picture) by John Cleveley The Elder Full report of my work is here: http://modelforum.cz/viewtopic.php?f=177&t=68385#p1324089 For sailing ships lovers - here is a video with my best sailing ships; HMS Bellona and HMS Victory (modified) come from polish manufacturer Shipyard, Sovereign of the seas is my own scratch build. All these models are made of card. Enjoy it: Kind regards, Doris
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