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Everything posted by DORIS

  1. Done: Some pics how the crown was made (I used paper and clay):
  2. How I created the figurehead.... And here is the sculpture of the bow already completed. Only the angels are waiting for the crown :
  3. The bow - brackets and railing are made from card and covered by self adhesive foils:
  4. Thank you for your comments, dear friends. Soon I will bring other pics from the progress. Now I am beginning to work on the interior of the ship, there will be decorated furniture and a lot of various things in the cabins. John: The parrot really enjoys lying on his back, at first I couldn´t understand why (because other parrots usually dislike this), but I noted that he wants attention from us so he does everything possible....Is very playful http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=776347&mode=view http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=762780&mode=view http://modelforum.cz/download/file.php?id=762779&mode=view Best regards, Doris
  5. First pieces of decoration on starboard and also finished remaining decks:
  6. The decoration on the port is almoust finished:
  7. Hello dear friends! Thank you very much for your comments and kind words, I appreciate them a lot. I am pleased and honoured. To Ruslan: No problem, here is a pics and link, what material it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fimo http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polymer_clay Hello Sjors, thank you for your attention and comment. I like making ship models of paper, that´s no problem - for me it is easier than wooden models. For paper models and clay sculpting there are not needed special tools, so I prefer to create with these materials. I build paper models about 30 years and really enjoy it. Still there are some things, I should improve, but the most important to me is an idea, that this is a hobby a and i can relax and share it with friends. Take care and kind regards to you and Anja. To Michael and David: Thank you friends, yesterday I finished decoration on the hull, so now I have a bit time and can add here new pics and description. I am glad, you like it. To Christian: Soon I will bring the pics with RC figurhead - it was quite difficult to shape it, but fortunately I managed it. To Crackers: That is kind of you and your wife, give my regards to her and please send my word to her, I appreciate her attention a lot. You have got beautiful pets as well. My parrot often sits on my shoulder and likes watching, what I do currently... Or sometimes lies on his back and has a fun....
  8. The rear part of the hull with finished decoration: Compare decoration without patina:
  9. Other statues were added onto front part of the hull, now I am working on gun ports and preparing their decoration. Enjoy the pics: Done:
  10. Gilded decoration slowly fills turquoise stripe on the port and the ship is taking her spectacular appearance.
  11. The rear part of the hull is already decorated:
  12. Here is another tutorial, I'm on the first picture shaping current decoration. Good light is very important so I often work on the windowsill. Done....
  13. It is no problem to remove the overlaps using scalpel or sharp edge or tip of tweezers. After that the repaired area is smoothed. Done .....
  14. Today I am bringing a tutorial how to make various sculptures, this time it is a fish, which will be placed in front of the quarter gallery on port. At the beginning I prepare the material/clay, it must have the necessary softness, which is achieved by molding in the hand or between fingers. Create a basic shape for the decoration with a slight overlap. Use appropriate tools to shape the clay, I use tweezers, tip of pen or micro pencil, knife and also my fingers... Various details are often added from smaller pieces of clay, which are shaped separately.
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