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About juleslucas

  • Birthday 12/04/1984

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    Budapest, Hungary

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  1. My favourite is the Vietnamese Bamboo toothpicks. Their diameter is of 1 mm (some even less) and still super strong...
  2. Haha, I like your jewelry box, or maybe you can store small materials used for Cutty like deadeyes
  3. Thank you Nenad and donrobinson! We have the name as well - Oliver (or Olivér in Hungarian)
  4. Dear Friends! I have just became a father yesterday!!! My son was born around 10 am with 3720 grs and 54 cm. Admiral and baby are fine and healthy - slow down in progress expected for the next couple months...
  5. Some more progress on the Cutty.... As the second part of planking is now completed both upper wooden and lower copper some more productive (at least for me is in front of me). And as I can see these are the details that are really far from the original characteristics, but since I am doing a kit build I am following the instructions provided by Del Prado and making my own version of Cutty Sark - especially with the colors used by me! So channels are created for foremast and mainmast - drilled some holes in it to hold the rope ladder and the rigging of these masts. Also I started to work on all three masts - foremast, mainmast and mizzenmast, together with their crow's nest and all attaching pieces. and also the yards and booms. I have to cut the different sizes for every mast and yards, and also sharpen both ends for the yards and one end for the booms. I will use brown color for all the masts and yards, as I like the way it looks like (more than the white one - sails will be white). And this is how it will look like once they are fixed to the hull - not yet done... and a closer look: From this picture you can see, that all the deck houses are now attached, and the poop deck house has its skylight window attached as well. Above the main deckhouses I already prepared the strakes to hold the boats and shallops (prepared all 4 of them already. Also I have prepared the compass (there was nothing to prepare on it ), the anchors with their chains and the bilge pump - will be attached to the deck sooner or later. Any opinions, comments are welcome. P.S. - Baby is waiting his time (12-Sep) as it seems...
  6. Wow, wonderful work, very nice details, beautiful craftsmanship. I wish my model would like similar to yours at least half of it I like how the bilge pump looks like and also the cover for the hatches and etc.... Keep up the good work it is so good to follow your pics.
  7. Well it was a very very very hot summer - impossible to concentrate on modelling as no air conditioning... Although I found a few cool days to progress with the copper plating and now here are the results (not the final one, as still some finishing touches are needed, where ever the copper plates are not attaching correctly to the hull) The biggest problem for me was to find the correct glue, that actually hold the plates firmly, and easy to work with. I have tried all the instant glues I had at home, but somehow was really hard to work with, some plates got kind of "ruined", but I will leave it as it, kind of like real life damage on the hull Finally I was able to buy an instant glue from Chinese shop for 400 HUF - that would be little more than 1 EUR. Works and holds pieces perfectly, although there is no time to play around I had to try the pieces 100 times to make sure they align correctly. Sometimes I had no patience to try them that many times - error is visible from close up ... that would be a quick fix on the way - should be corrected once in the dry dock The pictures are bit blurry, but copper plating finished on both sides and keel. I have also attached the bow and stern decoration plates that came with pack. Further updates on deck work is to come soon, although Admiral is now in week 39!!! So baby is coming in any days.... excited times for me, scarifying times for Admiral (baby is now around 4kg...) Cheers
  8. Wow Nenad! Wonderful job with the deadeyes, and honestly one of your photos taken of the ship looks like standing on the deck of a real ship On the other hand sorry to hear about the sickness of your mother-in-law. We in Hungary say that trouble has three times... I guess you are there, from now on only good things would happen to you!! Gyula
  9. That is a good suggestion, thank Marc. As I was checking the copper plates provided by this kit, I have already realized that there are some already different in color, and I will try not to use them, as I hope I have more copper plates than needed to cover her. But definitely I will put them on open air, for the benefit of Admiral, she will love all these copper plates scattered around the house :D
  10. You mean, that the line should be parallel with the planking of the deck? Or at least how it looks like on your photos...
  11. Okay, it is time for some further updates, and I am not talking about all the new furniture I installed in our flat... As we bought 2 big wardrobes a new chair for my Admiral and sold a big bookshelf and a smaller wardrobe. Still some more furniture is coming in, counting a baby bed, as now we have to prepare for the new member of our fleet Coming in September. So besides these movements I had little time to deal with her, but I have a few details ready (still following the assembly plan step by step ) I have created the toilets, by cutting the sides, attaching them and painted in white, while using a narrow strake cut in small pieces to create the dimension of the brown sides and the white roof for the toilets. They are not yet attached, as there would be still more work to be done. Raw material: Final result: Also I have measured and created the holes for the Davits, which will be used for the life boats as I understand. There is no much work with the davits itself, as they are already shaped and painted, so easy job.... The next action will be (and starting soon) is the copper plating of the lower part of the hull. I am excited for sure!!
  12. Ohh and for the fun I have placed several objects I have already created for the Cutty Sark, but they are still waiting in the cupboard for their time to be attached to their final places, such as the deck houses, the life boats, etc. Here it is how it looks now: Isn't she beautiful?
  13. Okay, lets see how I progress with her: I have finished the big job of second planking of the top of Cutty, only small gaps to be filled, but it will be a continuous job, when I am bored with other stuffs ... I have also attached all the 12 clearing ports that came with the kit to the main deck, actually I really like their color, so I assume I will not paint them for now As next step, according to assembly guide I have attached the keel to Cutty, it came in 3 pieces only, there might be some further adjustments needed, taking into consideration the shape of the wood... The keel at the bottom: And the stem at the bow:
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