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  1. hahaha where did you keep 1100 models/kits? that's a lot of models
  2. they got paint remover that's safe for plastic, home depot sells it, they got about 10 different types of remover there
  3. I buy the home depot spray cans, I just painted my bluenose with metallic black around the top stripe, turned out really nice looking, not the right color I know, but that don't bother me to much, I never really use a brush to paint anything, those spray paint cans by rusolum sp? are the best cans on the market if you ask me, they just came out with a new sprayer head that looks like a gun, works almost as good as a spray gun, but that's not what this post is about so I wont go off subject
  4. I once looked at that stores paints, they cost too much for me,, I get mine at the home depot,, but I think that model expo site sold the thinner for there paints as well
  5. sorry no camera, it broke and I have yet to get a new one, I did figure out this, sort of,, I ended up gluing 2 of the parts on top of each other and that gave me the deck level difference and it looks like everyone else's now, but I still had one part of it left over, but since it looks the same I stopped worrying about this, im sure it went somewhere, but it turned out like everyone else's
  6. I like having all the brass showing too,, I rather see the shiny brass parts on a model, it makes them stick out more then blackening everything
  7. too late to do that,, I already got the hull stained, I did find some really nice gold pin, looks really nice, im going to give it a try,, ill post the results
  8. I just like building it my way,, I was working on the transom just now, and for some reason the laser part didn't fit, so I ended up just changing the transom, now it looks way better then the original, not too much different, but it looks better I think, I just start doing thing my way, sometimes if the plans don't make sense ill just look at the picture and wing it, after its on the shelf everyone just looks at the colors or stain and sails anyway,, im just not all too picky when it comes to following things to a tee, I don't slap it together or anything,, but I just end up doing it my way I guess
  9. I think it looks better that way on my shelf, I do go to those model award shows,, just like having it shine on my shelf with that really deep look, im also not blackening my brass,, because I think that brass makes it look better as well,, I just build the things how I like it,, I don't even use the boats real names,, I name them all after my wife
  10. hey anyone use automotive pin stripe stickers on there boat? did it turn out ok,, im thinking about using a gold 1/8 pin on my 1/64 bluenose hull, I was going to clear coat over it too,, so you don't "Feel" it and so it don't look like a sticker.. anyone else try this instead of painting a stripe? thanks
  11. heres what I tried this time,, I stained my bluenose hull, and used 2 coats of minwax fast dry polyurethane,, sanded it so its all flat,, then I put 5coats of rustoleum triple thick glaze coating on it,, it gets sprayed,, home depot sells it,, it now looks like the hull was dipped into liquid glass,, really super deep look you could not even get with 20 coats of poly, sorry no pics,, no camera, but it dried in mins,, don't really run,, it self levels and somehow goes on super thick. if your into that look. looks like the wood in like 1/4 in under the clear,, really cool stuff, dries crystal clear
  12. I used those brushes that you use for flux on copper pipes,, they are cheap reusable and worked really good for what I was doing,, im all done now it turned out great looking,, doing the decking now almost done,, also the gorilla glue I used was for wood only and worked pretty good tacked up fast for a wood glue, sanded off pretty easy as well, I got it at home depot it was about 4bucks for a big bottle of it, enough for 2 or 3 more builds. thanks for all the advice, too bad I don't have a camera I would take some pictures.
  13. model shipways, I think this is the older model shipways bluenose kit too, thanks
  14. working on the great beam it says its made of 3 laser cut parts, I have them dry fitted and there was 2 more identical cut parts on the panel for some reason, the plan measurements are correct with just one,, I though maybe they get glued together or there just extra parts, anyone know what im talking about here? thanks
  15. I got gorilla wood glue, its got a gorilla on the bottle, so I thought that was neat, so I got that
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