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  1. hi, i have been working on her four years by now. Ι am uploading more photos with the braces almost finished and i will be uploading new photos showing the progress.
  2. hello to everyone, I am learning from this forum for a long time by now. Since i begun the building of the Hms Victory i have been looking for help on this forum all the time and everytime i found what i have been looking for. WIthout this forum the buid of this ship will be very difficult (don't forget that i choose this model as a first build). i am posting some photos of my first build. The ship is almost completed. I will continue to upload photos of the ship until the comletion. The kit is Mantua Hms victory but as you will see i have made many additions and i am making the rigging following the Jotika plans and instructions. Now i am making the braces. As you can see i have furled the sails on the yards. I wanna ask for your opinion: should i put a furled sail on the driver boom also? As i can see the jotika plans does not have the nesseccary blocks for the buntlines and leechlines (if there are any) for this sail.
  3. thank you very much for your answers.Now i must remove the already furled sail from the crossjack.
  4. hello, I am finishing my hms victory model. I will upload again all my photos showing the progress from the beginning. I have the mantua model but for the rigging i am following the jotika plans whith are much more detailed. I am making the rigging these days and the furled sails. I wanna ask why the jotika plans does not have the necessary blocks on the crossjack yard which are needed to rig the crossjack sail? I saarch the net for photos of the victory with sails (furled or not) and found that the ship does not have the crossjack sail.The victory did not have a crossjack sail? Why ?
  5. hello, I am finishing the hms victoy 1:98 scale model. I am trying to find figurines at that scale (or close to that scale) but i cannot. Do you know where i can find the figures for that ship size? thank you george
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