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About rstratton_cf

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  1. I found the attached article, published in the Army and Navy Chronicle in 1838 to be quite interesting. I believe the author was 1) describing the state of the refurbishing of the Ohio before its first voyage and 2) a bit of a plea for construction of a dry dock at the New York Navy Yard. Anyone interesting in constructing a model of the Ohio will find the second page particularly useful as it provides dimensions of the ship itself, as well as masts and yards. Enjoy! Ship of the Line Ohio Article.pdf
  2. Harbor Models has a decent selection of stanchions. https://www.harbormodels.com/stra.html
  3. If you're still on the hunt for 1:64 scale figures, CatzPaw has figures for model railroading. You might be able to paint or modify appropriately to look like sailors/officers. For example, I ordered a figure with a top hat because my model is in the 1840s era and top hats were popular, even in naval uniforms. Here's the link: https://catzpawstore.myshopify.com/collections/figures
  4. Sorry, I didn't make it clear that I was referring to the lids on just the stern ports, or rather the cabin windows. Thanks.
  5. Hello. Any guidance on this would be appreciated. Opinions also welcome. I recently found this image of the US ship of the line Ohio taken around 1860-1865, showing the stern detail fairly well. I really want to figure out what the stern most likely looked like when it was fitted out for its first cruise in 1838. So a solid 30 years and many coats of paint before this photo was taken. In addition to finding no documentation on what was white and what was black, there was also little in Navy standards. But I have a feeling that given this was the first cruise of the Ohio, in the Mediterranean, showing off America's might, that the stern may have been a bit more showy. I could be wrong. Specific questions: - Window panes: black as pictured below? Or, white as shown in paintings/lithographs of similar ships of the period? - Pillars on sides of windows (lower deck): black or white? - Port lids: Yes or no? Hard to tell from the photo below but there are half-lids hanging down from the lower deck port windows. Something they would have had during an actual cruise? Or something added because it was technically a receiving ship at the time of this photo? - Balcony: I really don't think this was there on the first cruise. But I'm open to opinions on this as well. Thanks for sharing thoughts. - Rick
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