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About ccoyle

  • Birthday 08/15/1963

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  • Location
    Greer, South Carolina
  • Interests
    model building, hunting, fishing, reading, genealogy

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  1. Ahoy, sir!  'Noted the title change (your privilege, of course), yet perhaps the new scale of 1:150 might mislead some observers.  Billings did not put a scale on the drawing of their original kit - at least I have not found one.  The real Wasa is said to have a 226' "sparred" length (including bowsprit).  Deducting about 60 feet for that ponderously jutting affair leaves about 166' for the hull.  My model's hull length measures 19", or 1.58 feet.  When multiplied by 105, the result is 169.5' ... those figures seem to jive, even though it isn't a common ratio modeled - just a 'calculated' one.


      I'm glad to have found out about Model Ship World, as it represents a smorgasbord of information on all aspects of the ship modeling hobby.

    1. ccoyle


      Hello. The scale in the title should be whatever the kit states, or, if you have worked out a different scale, what you believe the scale to correctly be. You might want to discuss this issue in your build log, which would eliminate any of the confusion you fear might creep in. If you ever find that you need to correct the scale in the title, you can do so by clicking the three dots in the upper right corner of the first post; this brings up a menu that includes the option to edit. You can actually edit any of your own posts, but titles can only be edited from the first post in the thread.


      Cheers, and thank you for your kind comments!


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