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  1. All, Sam and I spoke regarding the Essex - trying to get it straightened out. With regards to corrective parts, as we have done in the past, we will make the parts available free of charge once ready however, folks will need to call in / email / submit a request. We do this because some folks will inevitably take care of the issue on their own. I will publish the item number here (and on other sites) once we're ready to begin taking "orders" on the updated laser cuts - need to let Sam do the review first prior to ensure there is, in fact, an issue. With regards to the manual, you can download the updated .pdf from our website under the documents tab: http://www.modelexpo-online.com/product.asp?ITEMNO=MS2041 - that is most likely the easiest way to do it. Alternatively, you can call in for the new one once printed. Thank you all again for your feedback, we appreciate you! Eric
  2. All, As with any newly released kit, we had a few missteps on this one that we're working through with Sam (e.g., misprint on label, few pages of instruction manual, etc.). As usual, if you have ANY issues with the contents of your kit, please do not hesitate to contact us - we'll ensure we make it right just like we've always done! Thanks and enjoy the kit! Eric
  3. Hey folks, I thought I had addressed this topic recently here - I guess I didn't, sorry about that - it's been challenging summer thus far! Yes, Frank moved on and he is simply irreplaceable. This has left Model Expo with a few hurdles to overcome. And, as you know, all businesses must adapt and roll with the punches; so with that, we've made some changes. First and foremost, we are NOT discontinuing replacement parts for our (Model Shipways, Model Trailways, Model Airways, Guns of History) manufactured kits, tools, and supplies. If you break, lose, or are missing something from one of our kits, we will send it to you free of charge as we've always done. Yes, our "new" parts manager (Tom) is getting up-to-speed (he works on Mondays & Fridays only). Tom is not a modeler by any stretch of the imagination, he's my Dad .. so be nice! Will he make mistakes? Sure. Is he learning (baptism by fire)? Absolutely! Patience is the key. Frank knew this business inside and out and he had a long time to establish the process; Tom has a steep learning curve, but he's up to the challenge! As for European parts, with the challenges of supporting our own manufactured kit, we're asking that you try and work with them for your parts. We can try and run point on your behalf however, given this massive disruption in our Parts Service, it's probably better that you email Corel & Mamoli directly for parts. And, we'll no longer have European parts kits; we can no longer afford to have this merchandise sitting around waiting on a request for a random part. As for detailed / how-to Technical Support, Tom obviously is not equipped to perform this service. As such, we are re-directing all calls for help to this forum FIRST! This is the largest, most detailed forum on Ship Modeling; what better place to send the "technically challenged"? This is a small community and your help to those in need is a great way to "pay it forward"! Lastly, as always, should you have ANY questions, comments, concerns, please feel free to email be directly - esnow@modelexpo-online.com. Warmest regards to all! Eric Eric Snow President & CEO ModelExpo - Hobby Models and Tools since 1976 esnow@modelexpo-online.com Toll Free 800.222.3876
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