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Everything posted by greenstone

  1. Gentlemen, what is the best name for a model "gunboat" or "cannonboat" in English?
  2. Preview of work on one of the new project "MASTER KORABEL" MK0305 - 22-oars two 24pd-gun gunboat of the Baltic fleet,1848 Dimensions by extreme points: Length -283 mm Height - 181 mm Width - 73mm
  3. Hello Justin When creating this video for YouTube, I used the soundtrack "Depths" by composer Alexander Zatsepin for the Soviet film "Captain Nemo" in 1975 (based on the novel by Jules Verne). If interested here is a link to the movie.
  4. Looks great, but the flagpole is an extra detail on the model if the sails are shown
  5. Photos from the first buyer kit "MOREL - Nikonov's Secret Vessel. The author of the model is Andrey Zakharov from Kazan (Russia)
  6. Gentlemen, with great pleasure I want to show a new model! The model was built by Yura Kimborovich according only to our drawings by "MasterKorabel" Drawings we prepared on the basis of archival information of the 1840s. to develop a new kit. This is a 20-oar 42-foot longboat #1 of the 120-gun battleship “Twelve Apostles” - the flagship of Admiral Lazarev of the Black Sea Fleet. Date: 1841 -1855 Sailing: the Plymouth bot. Art.: one 24-pound carronade. 80 shots. Crew: Midshipman, 160 marines and 22 sailors. Soon we will release this kit on sale. art. 0304 Scale 1: 48 length - 498.5 mm, width - 80 mm, height - 350 mm P.S. The model was built during the development of the new kit, so the final version of the kit will naturally differ slightly from this model.
  7. Soon our new kits MK0304 Scale 1: 48 length - 498.5 mm, width - 80 mm, height - 350 mm one 24-pd. carronade
  8. No pennant on the topmast. Tender "Avos" was the second ship in the squad (three-masted ship "Juno" and tender "Avos"). She was not supposed to pennant. Only the three-masted ship "Juno" could carry the pennant as the leader in the squad of ships There were signal flags on any ship. Can add them
  9. Emperor Alexander 1 officially approved the flag of the RA company on September 28 (October 10), 1806. Here is a copy of the order with a sample flag from 1806 As we know, the tender "Avos" was built before, in the summer of that year. It is possible that at first time (several months or half a year) the tender was flagged Russian Navy flag But most tine the tender "Avos" had the flag of the RAC The flag of the Russian-American company (RAC) is part of the great common history of Russia and the United States, a unique history of the development of Alaska!!! It was a period of discovering new lands, conquering new horizons, and a time of great friendship between Russia and the United States. That's why we decided to put this flag in the box.
  10. "Novo Arkangelsk (New Archangel)" Drawn by the Creole Aleksandr Olgin in July, 1837 As you can see on the ships of the Russian-American company had its own flag. Yes, this picture was painted in 1837, when the Avos tender was long gone. Despite this, the artist drew our tender. So at least it is considered. 😎 Yes, there are many questions to this watercolor... This is not a drawing. This is an image only. But we liked it and we decided to place the company flag as shown in this figure And we have provided three options for the modeler. Peta has already said this. The modeller has the right to choose where to place the flag. .
  11. Valentin Tyklyuk from Moscow - owner of the FIRST box of the kit "MOREL - Nikonov's Secret Vessel"!
  12. Passed the test. Three times plunged under water and three times surfaced. The third time a leak appeared in the vessel. They decided to upgrade and do better. But the next time the vessel hit the bottom during testing and had to save the first submariners .. Eugen
  13. Thanks! Expect more interesting news from our team at the end of winter! ... in confidence ;))
  14. So friends! Photo and test instructions for the new MK0203 kit "Nikonov's Secret Vessel" prepared! In the near future we will send pre-orders to happy modelers!
  15. Merry Christmas to all!!! We started production our new kit! "MOREL" - Yefim Nikonov`s "Secret Vessel" Scale 1/36 art. MK0203
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