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Everything posted by AndrewNaylor

  1. I soaked for hours cut then glued into position Looked fantastic UNTILL the planks dried out and then large gaps between each plank!!! The planks must be "damp" only when you glue into place soaking to bend and shape But Only DAME when fitting for the final time and if not using CV glue they can be dry when final fitment. happy planking Andy
  2. Chatham by CC is a great start the price is right, the instructions are good and the mast and rigging for a first build is easy to understand The forum here has fantastic help with planking for a beginner and any other help you might need I have built 3 of their kits now getting larger as I go. Wood is good and can be glued if broken CC sell great paint so a very pleasing first build can be displayed on your mantle piece with pride and that is very important on your first ship Andy
  3. Hi Christian Your opening statement was very well put and now we have 7 pages of builds!!!! I am currently building the Granado and getting plenty of inspiration from your build and following with great interest Andy
  4. Tom Yes metal would work well Our local model shop sells Brass and Aluminum in different lengths and widths and thicknesses I have also made a similar jig for tapering planks holding the plank straight and stopping the blade from following the grain of the wood.
  5. I have made a simple jig to hold the plank by trapping it down along its whole length A piece of base board to mount the jig on and 2 length's of planking one the same thickness of the planking you are using lets say 4mm x .5mm and one piece at least 6mm x1mm I have glued first piece down to the base board 3.5mm from the edge to allow a little over hang the second one is glued on top of the first creating a grove that the plank you are working on can now slide into and hold it tight. Sanding down the whole edge is easy now as the plank is held securely I hope this helps Andy
  6. Thank You Mike Off to the ship yard with a varnish brush Cheers
  7. Ladies and Gentlemen I am starting to do the water line on my Granado. . The water line feathers to the center from the bow and stern. My question is should I seal and varnish the hull before trying to paint the water line? and can I use a regular house hold white primer for the hull? Thank you and happy building Andy
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