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Everything posted by AndrewNaylor

  1. Pirate Pete Thank you for your hard work I Have Falmouth sitting at home and hope to be able to start soon I was quite overwhelmed by the kit originally but have read many of your build logs and they have helped my resolve greatly Thanks Andy
  2. Mike another thing you have done a great job on the planking your next challenge could well be rigging a ship so for your next build that might be taken into the equation Andy
  3. For your First boat build you have done a superb job on the planking and should be rightly chuffed with the out come i look forward to seeing where you head after this little model Andy
  4. Totally mind blowing, every time I fold up a little paper boat I think how far I could go!!!!! Your work is truly Inspirational Thank you so much Andy
  5. I have used Swedish tar or Hoof oil a little messy but when dry sets hard and you get the wonderful smell of the oil that is very typical of heavy ropes and blocks as it was used in the old days to prevent rot Andy
  6. Not sure where you live but the actual model is in an art gallery In Kennebunkport Maine USA I call in every summer and look at it with wonderment
  7. Well Stockings!!! I hope the Admiral gave you permission Looks like they worked well and now you have a much stronger watertight ship for your electronics and power plant remember to fill the propeller log with heavy grease to help stopping water coming in there Andy
  8. Shawn I have just been given this kit by a mate of mine He is just fairing the hull of his model We intend to race! He has e glassed his hull to ad strength and ensure water intergrity I see you hate sanding but a little e glass and bondo and you will have a water tight and strong hull Andy
  9. HI Glennard Scarborough Yorkshire? I worked as a fabricator for "Pickups" in the mid 80's Looking forward to following your build as " Victory " is a real dream for me Happy building Andy
  10. A great Tool as with every thing spend time learning how to use them. The point on the end is much more accurate than a pencil line. Take the over all length of your Tick strip, set PD to # of planks needed set wide end to over all length of Tick strip now turn PD's over and march down the Bulkhead and presto your plank widths marked out for you. No more transfering Tick strip marks to bulkheads.
  11. Fantastic thank you very much very interesting Andy
  12. You could be building a Ship that had just plundered a ship from Mexico That would solve the Tequila issue Think out side the Barrel / glass
  13. Loverly job and the keel wood look fine great job on the sail, mine bleed badly!!
  14. How about a few Barrels lashed against the bulwarks Who knows they might have a real use and be filled with, Um let me think! are yes RUM Now every good happy ship and shipwright needs RUM some time on the rocks some times with a little coloring maybe even a little fruit and Umbrella for the ladies Just an idea "Cheers" or "Bottoms UP" don't need to be press ganged tonight Andy
  15. Hi Dave I am originally from Driffield East Yorkshire now living in the USA That been said I am about 1/3 way through my Granado build at the moment I am at work at sea so the shipyard is at a stand still. I had reached the part of putting in the painted bulkhead between decks The kit is very detailed as you know and all those small brass parts!! There is a very good Log on this site by a gentleman from New Zealand and his log is very detailed Well worth finding it and reading great help happy building Andy
  16. Erik Well yes your daughter in a box sure does put a scale on things!! having watched you build your previous fleet Bella and i will be following from the Caribbean this winter We got a new carbon fiber mast for the yacht last spring so now back at work on the yacht and not in my basement with all my other shipwrights Best Andy and Bella
  17. I bought one from a tool Japanese tool catalog It has 64 teeth per inch and is so fine I can hardly see the slice Fantastic tool well worth every penny of the $36 Andy
  18. Shaz Why not try the Duke William A very different type of kit you use a plaster mold ( provided with the Kit ) to bend the frames over it with aid of a soldering iron You can plank the deck and hull with as much planking as you desire I used the LSS CD to help with the build The Kit was very well put together BUT the Rigging drawing is wrong as they have vertical scale off so just lay the yards on the plan and rig accordingly A great build my following build was Fair American by LSS a great Admiralty style kit unfortunatly unavailable now Have fun Andy
  19. Ray Beautiful work How do you make your rope coils so neatly? special jig /tool? please share Thanks Andy
  20. Yes Like you Andy I am in the Marine industry but on privat yachts rather than ships like your self That been said I am on a plane heading to St Thomas to take a 100 foot yacht to Panama Back in 10 days Andy
  21. Timmo Great work We are about at the same place in our builds. But as summer arrives in the NH and winter in the SH I feel your model will launch before mine That been said I had forgotten to put in the Ore ports so holes to drill and file square next Looking forward to following your build Andy
  22. Hi I am at the finishing stage of the main Hull of the CC version Transom about to be added. I have built 2 previous CC before so I have a little experience with there kits which I think is superb There are plenty of VERY small parts which need blackening and installing so as everybody says PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT on cheaper kits Unfortunately since the "GREAT FIRE" we have lost many build logs which I had read at great detail to help me, 80% of the Logs on MSW where CC the web sight for CC has some very good build pictures, Good luck with your choice Andy
  23. Glyn I finished my Convulsion a few months ago A great little kit for a beginner like my self The rudder was in 2 pieces and I remember making a small tenon joint at the top of the rudder to attach the tiller to It is advisable not to attach the tiller arm till all the rigging etc is done and tidy as i can just about guarantee that you will catch it and you will spend time cursing yourself this is the same for the Elm tree pumps they are also fantastic at getting in the way of your rigging tools and lines Mark drill and dry fit but install after the rats nest is complete !!! Thats my 10 cents worth Andy
  24. Remember "Back in the day" before fast food and national heath programs we where on average shorter and thiner than we are today, so a slightly smaller stance might actually be more to SCALE than the model requires. Andy
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