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Everything posted by AndrewNaylor

  1. Thank you all I have a set of digital calipers and will set to work with them but will look out for all the other methods mentioned and check out Lee Valley Andy
  2. A little help please I am just starting my ECHO cross section and was wondering if anyone had a jig for setting the hight of a circular saw blade for use later. I am Lifting the blade up and watching till the timber lifts in a previous cut to re set the depth but I feel this is a little hit and miss and getting a calibrated square in by the blade and trying to read the scale is very hard as the increments are very close at the start of a metal ruler Thanks Andy
  3. I have used bee's wax on my rigs BUT unless you put your models in Glass cases "DUST" sticks to the rigging and is very hard to remove The Model will be back in the shipyard every year for a long and tedious cleaning P.S. The Admiral claim's to keep a dust free house. That is true but with great help from 3 DUST magnet rigs.
  4. I am back in Bristol so will go down to the Museum and see what they have Andy
  5. Sorry no Pictures yet One of my early builds so waiting for my skill level to catch up with proper finishing needed soon time to restart though as for plans what are you looking for? Andy
  6. My excuse for building this wonderful ship was my wife "Bella" she is Swedish and her great great grandfather was the Top sail man on her when they won the Americas cup. He stood at the cross trees and hauled the top sail Tack up and over the Gaff complete with the down haul block and sheets No mean effort when you think that we are talking about heavy possibly wet canvas and wood blocks and hemp lines!! He was nicknamed "Swedish Steam" for his strength and ability to stand up there doing his job as the boat healed over going up wind A beautiful model The rigging is very interesting as it is a soft wire and fun to work with Ironically we live in Bristol Rhode Island where there is the Herrishoff America's cup museum and a picture of "Swedish Steam" the yacht and the rest of the crew Happy building Andy
  7. I use "Swedish Tar" some time know as "Hoof oil" although very sticky to start I use very little and apply it very thinly It also has a wonderful smell like hemp rope it drys hard after a few days and can be thinned with white sprite The Smell gives my models that old boat aroma !!! Andy
  8. Sorry my friend but Irwin brand are as they say "Not going to Cut It" Hard wire requires an far better , Expensive / quality tool A good electrical suppliers will have much better brands behind the counter Professional tools for a real job Big box store tools are for DIYer's, Hard wire is professional grade Take a piece of wire with you and the assistant will help you out with the right tool and also help you empty your wallet in the process, but only ONCE Andy
  9. Rust was the color of choice once a trawler left the ship yard The original black paint on the cast iron would not have lasted long in the open ocean and as paint was expensive seldom used also the anchors would have been used very very infrequently almost in case of emergency only so no chance of the rust getting worn of Andy
  10. Thanks Mark I will access to a machine shop soon and take you up on that idea as well as making a new cutting surface out of lexan to allow smooth move ment and a very small gap between blade and table. I think a Scroll saw will be part of my modeling life for some time to come and so, make a good one with great advise is the way to go Thanks
  11. Please for get FG the resins is very hard let alone the resin socked cloth. Car bondo is much easer to sand down and fair, do a test strip before you ruin all your hard work and send her for a "Valhalla" funeral Andy
  12. Great work Very interesting kit design some one was "Thinking Out Side The Box" Andy
  13. Thank you all for your help off to the book and tool shop I go Much thanks Andy
  14. I have seen some wonderful tutorials on Table top saws and other power equipment but never seen on on Scroll saws Hope fully I am not an idiot and I know where the ON switch is but some tricks of the trade would be very useful I have a Ryobie Scroll saw possibly not the best, but the best for my budget. The center piece of plastic has a large hole in the center ( much larger than the blade) with two slots at 90" from each other made for angling the table top but with loads of space between the blade and hole edge. It is not flush with the work surface .5mm out has any one modified this The Blowing bellows would be use less on a 1 year olds birthday cake but been a non smoker i can still manage to blow away any dust So my question is really Scroll speed, Number of teeth and speed (RPM not narcotics) Thank you Andy
  15. ​Take your time and use a sharp V groove chisel The sharper the better making small light passes at first so to produce light curls of wood Many light passes are much better than One large blunder and a trip to the wood shop for more timber Andy
  16. I gather that a few of us might sip the odd DRAM, I my self have been known to partake in the wicked liquid known as RUM. I am sure that as a few of you read this you will be sampling the finer points of the GRAPE Well guess what folks Wooden barrels and there poisons there in in-hanse there taste All Hale WOOD Sorry about the spelling partaken tooooo much wood stuff Hic Burp
  17. Michael You are a lucky man to have one of these kits, I managed to buy a Fair American of a member of this site A great build. I must have read the build manual 10 times before starting the project and at the time there where quite a few build logs on MSW 0.1 Enjoy your build, it might be the last build log of any of those kits posted. I tried to buy some from the company that bought the rights to the kits But they lasted about 1 month before folding, a pity Andy
  18. Nils My wife is from Stockholm and she remembers in the late 60's a group of students at the local university made a model of the funnel on a float and "Sank" one of the ferry's in the harbour on April 1st causing all kinds of uproar Police Coast guard etc as you know they still run in Stockholm harbour and have large logs hanging off the Port bow as fenders at about 15" from the vertical as they lay up against the dock at an angle to help them arrive and depart the dock ( space and prop wash ) Beautiful build thanks Andy
  19. Beautiful work It's going to look wonderful on the mantel Your first boat is all ways your greatest inspiration to better and you are setting your self a very high mark Andy
  20. I worked for a surgeon from FL for 2 years on his yacht and he told me "That not all scalpels where made equal even out of the same box" But Box's of scalpels can be bought quite reasonable on line Keep sharp Andy
  21. I work on private yacht and the owner of the yacht had a Maine Artist to produce a painting for the Aft cabin. It had to have a radius to match the deck head above the picture. He used 13 Ply Beach 1/2 inch thick. Shaped it routed it then did the art work on it I asked the artist about the ply as I had never heard of such dense ply before. He said that 13 ply saw the strongest most stable he could get due to the number of layers. So get down your local artist's store and hunt down "Artists Ply" Andy
  22. Sorry the work mates are so boring But you are doing a great job of filing the time wonderful build Build Quickly I gather England is sinking!!!!! Andy
  23. Congratulations A splice that size and as well exercuted You should be proud of your work The taper would have taken just 2 more tucks but often not done in that application as the splice was not coming into a block hence no need for the extra work in real life let alone in the scale world in which we live Andy
  24. Did you know that IF you drink Rum before 10 in the morning It does NOT make you an Alcoholic It makes you a Pirate!!! Thank you for beautiful work Andy
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