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  1. Thanks, Bob. I just ordered some from them.
  2. Thanks to Mark and Dziadezcek for your responses. I will consider my first attempt as practice. I will strive to do better the second time around. I think I'll ditch the line that came in the kit and find some black rigging line from a good supplier.
  3. I am working on a kit from Corel of the HMS Victory. I started the standing rigging. I installed the Shrouds on all three masts. The ship then went on the back burner for about six months. When returning to the model to continue I found that the shrouds were sagging and loose. I tightened up on the dead eyes but now they are too close and uneven. So I am going to remove the shrouds and start fresh. My question is, do I need to stretch the rigging cord beforehand and if so what is the preferred method for this. Thanks, Dave.
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