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Everything posted by robert22564

  1. So as suggested I used a filler that was laying around to fill the cracks and gaps in the first planking, little did I know that it was going to be a nightmare to sand down, I used a flexible filler.......eeek So after that little nightmare i managed to get it into a condition for the second planking. Finished on side, just a little to go on the other side but waiting for some more Ca to arrive, in the meantime i'm in the process of filling and rubbing down of the completed side.
  2. Thanks for the tip Sjors, yes I've had a look at your log and see what you mean, you caught me just in time........working on that now as we speek
  3. Hi Sjors, thanks for the tip......I agree scaled planks are much easier to work with for the top planking and as you can see that's exactly what i'm doing
  4. Thanks guys, my chores are on hold at the moment but the Mrs has stopped smiling so I don't expect that to last, inevitably things will slow down unfortunately.
  5. First rough planking finished, quarter galleries, lower stern counter etc finished & getting ready for the second planking.
  6. First 5 planks on each side, i'll give that a couple of hours to dry before moving on.
  7. Hello David, thanks for such wonderful comments. It's a 1.5 mm drill bit and simply poking in some cocktail sticks, clean up after with a small chisel.
  8. I've had a little practice run on decking, Black marker pen was a bit hit and miss with me. Black thread was a little better but still not as clean as I would like it to be. Using a HB pencil was not for me. In the end of my little experiment I've elected to go with using black card as this method is something I'm comfortable with & most importantly within my skill limits. Tree nails?.........the jury's still out on that one.........right, back to "first planking.
  9. Very good point Glenn, just looked at that and your right it's going to hamper the fitting of the gun deck, it's seems i'll be following you and cutting it cleanly down the middle.
  10. I've decided to temporarily bridge two fragile areas before I commence with the first planking......we don't want anything breaking now do we?
  11. Hello Jerry, yes it's refreshing to know that David & Glenn are watching over me, I've had a quick look at your build log "I've followed it and will have a more in depth look over the next couple of weeks" you have created a work of art, that's for sure. My goal is to complete this kit, if I can do that I'll be a very happy bunny.
  12. Glennard, David......thanks for your kind words of encouragement I've been doing a little experiment or you could call it practice runs on decking, a lot of advice on here.......HB Pencil, Black Marker Pen, Cocktail sticks for tree nails etc etc etc. I'll post a pick when i find something I'm happy with.
  13. Hmmm, I might have to sling some sort of break up plan into my build. I've been painstakingly reading through other Victory build logs and the word "repetition" seems to come up a lot. Looking good Glennard
  14. Thanks Glennard, a bit slow at the moment as i'm still waiting for some odds and sods to arrive.
  15. All gunport patterns now fitted and cleaned up, a little cleaning and beveling to do and then i'll be ready to start the first planking.
  16. Sorry Marvi, it's been over 20 years since I set eyes on all this stuff, have no idea where i got them from, I do know they're final planking screws so no holes are shown after planking.
  17. Got it right this time (fourth attempt) the gunport holes are no longer over the bulk heads.
  18. This is just a dry run only. 1. The back edge is flush with the outer stern extension pattern (106) 2. The rear most upper gun deck gunport back edge is flush with the front of the bulkhead. 3. Make sure that the top edge of the gunport pattern lies 1mm above the ply quarterdeck. Three attempts to get that right, I,ve built up a temporary cannon and checked it against many ports and all looks good, I can't get a picture up at the moment as I seem to have lost it
  19. 4 mm holes drilled and nut for studding wedged and glued in place for future pedestal. Extra side supports glued and clamped into place Hull painting now complete.
  20. Thanks David, I appreciate your comments immensely " this comment is exactly what I'm hoping for during the build" on this occasion all taken care off. I'll post more pics before I commence with the first planking, please keep the assistance coming
  21. This build is an absolute masterpiece, love it
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