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Everything posted by STSCM

  1. Whoa! Slow down, I haven't got mine outta the box after two years. The admiral is in charge of renting her wanna be b&b spare rooms, and dry docks obviously don't pay well. Anywho, pulling chair up and enjoying the show. Tom
  2. David, you've got a work area! Anywho, I'll follow your build closely and good luck. Tom
  3. Great job so far. Will follow this closely since I'm just behind you.
  4. Don't give up the ship. I'm back and finally have time (sorta) to start. Admirals working on her dissertation stuff but the little Lt. is on my side so we're overriding a apparent desire for turning the home into a B&B and using a room for weights and dry dock. A little more patience and I'll lay her keel. Now the 64 thousand dollar question. There's a number of sites offering upgrades on the good ship Syren, how many should I do? I can replace wood from waterline up, guns and carrodades, decking and hardware, the list is long. After reading so many build logs I am tempted to avoid all the issues and inaccuracies that come from the raw kit and buy these. A more accurate build with less headaches is my view, what say ye?
  5. Impressive job! My neighbor in Hawaii who babysat my son in the'70's brother was an Ensign on her last run. Oh, her other sister ship was converted to an aircraft carrier and was sunk moving to a 'safer' shipyard by USS Archerfish at the approaches to Tokyo Bay. Just a historical note.
  6. Honestly, did not realize how small this guy is. The clipper ship which is my ultimate target is almost 4' long, easy to see everything, this guy is tiny, to the uninitiated like moi. But...am so looking forward to this. Won't start her till I get the 'stuff' I need where I need it to get this going, temp dry-docking will not work on this guy. I'll take some of the pics of her shortly, to demonstrate what I'm talking about. Tom
  7. OMG, I think MS sent something wrong... Going through the box, saw a bag of funny shaped silver 'toothpicks' for very tiny people (smaller than Lilliputians), put on my glasses and they kinda resemble cannons. It's like designed for a 1:1024 sized model. To use a quote from a great movie, I think I need a bigger magnifying glass. Bought a set of 3.0 glasses in town to see if that helps.
  8. Hey Steven, glad you're doing this. I'm doing the Syren to better prepare for fixing a model of the Sovereign of the Seas who's been through a gale or 10 and will really need to see how your topside, rigging and sail set goes since I'll be there also. Clippers are the prettiest ships on the water, imho, if I feel less apt after Syren I just might try yours. Following with interest. Tom
  9. My ship has come in... Is it de rigor for pictures of the box? Talking to carpenter friend for building a workbench upstairs in the attic, books inbound tomorrow for study purposes. Heading for Lowes for glues and other things shortly. Will be in business when Admiral starts on her book upstairs also, so will be a while. Funny how I spent 23 years avoiding a brig and now I'm building one...
  10. Gads....Now I've looked at Dubz's build log, twice. I'm ordering books on sailing ships, something that is good, and reading like crazy everything else I can get my hands on. Read the 'instructions' from Chuck to chapter 4, almost have that memorized, then putting together that tome with what other's have done, putting all that together. Tomorrow design the workbench. Life continues apace. Admiral taking this like the trooper she is, except for her hair dryer, that is sacrosanct.
  11. I think I've read every build log on this site, will repeat possibly tomorrow, ideas swirling about. Will probably have the box this Monday, I hope. Will drag Admiral and the young Lieutenant to Lowes to pick up badly needed supplies for this long voyage ahead of me. Have to find a place to make a dry dock here also, we're still moving in, albeit slowly and need to do some survey work and submit the proper paperwork for permits, etc., with the admiral and her staff <sigh>. Caterwauling and hair pulling will commence at 0800.
  12. LOL Russ, wise words indeed. I'm quite anal for a non-nuc kinda guy, will spend a week working with just the manual and checking pieces before I do anything...
  13. Hi y'all, model is being shipped, even as we 'speak', and I've been pouring over the build logs on her. Any additional hints/ideas I should be aware of? Tis a lot to digest getting this thing going. The only tools I have is the ME kit, need more but will wait when the snow up here stops. Unreal how exciting this is to me.
  14. Very interested in seeing the models you'll be working with. I'm starting model building to gain the knowledge to fix a model clipper that's been in the wifes family for years.
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