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Posts posted by rafine

  1. Thanks Ben. Sorry, I must have missed your post.


    Framing for the gun deck is now done except for cutting and fitting the hanging knees and making and fitting the pillars. None of the framing has been given any finish at this point. The gun deck framing, like the lower deck framing, was built entirely off the model. I am really happy with the method. The photos show the framing at various stages of completion. The last is with the framing temporarily in place on the model. 


    I have now decided that I will do enough deck planking to allow for placement of guns on both sides. The waterways and deck planking will be done after the framing with knees and pillars is installed.










  2. Prior to doing any planking of the lower deck, I planked the interior of the hull up through the gun deck clamps, including treenailing. This planking was all done in boxwood. I then did the waterway in boxwood and a fairly small section of the lower deck planking in holly. This planking was also treenailed. After the planking was done, I finished the hull and deck planking and the top of of the unplanked deck framing with Wipe-on Poly. I'm not sure whether i didn't do more deck planking because I was lazy or because I liked the look of the framing -- probably some of each.


    Now it's on up to the gun deck.








  3. Thanks, Grant. It's worked out better than I expected.


    The lower deck framing is now complete and installed. I added the fourth beam and the beam arms, as well as their carlings and ledges. The bottom and sides of the assembly were finished with Wipe-on Poly. The top will be given the finish after a portion has been planked. I then installed the entire assembly permanently. Next, the hanging knees were cut from boxwood sheet, fitted, finished with Wipe-on Poly and installed. Lastly, the pillars were cut from boxwood strip, their corners chamfered, finished with Wipe-on Poly and then installed.


    The next steps will be to plank a portion of the lower deck and to plank the interior from the lower deck to the gun deck clamps.








  4. Thanks, Rich, Russ and Mark for the very kind words.


    So far so good, Russ. The short length of the cross section lends itself to doing it this way.


    Rich, for my money there is no comparison between using boxwood (or pear or cherry or other hardwoods) and basswood. It is well worth the extra cost for the results that you will get and the aggravation that you will avoid. There are certainly people on this site who achieve great results with basswood, but I've been a convert for some time now. You're correct about the method I used to make the frames. I would think that doing it the other way would result in a great waste of expensive wood. Also in my case I cut everything by hand and it seemed much easier to cut smaller pieces rather than full frames.



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