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Everything posted by markjay

  1. Welcome, The Cutty Sark is on my shelf as my next project... there are loads of referrence materials on line for all aspects of the CS. And this site has many members who enjoy helping with pretty much any questions you may have. One piece of advice is take your time with the build and enjoy the voyage. Mark
  2. Hi, Ages of Sail in California, is taking advance orders now...to arrive in their shop end of this week. Scale is 1/64th. Looks realy good in the picture. Mark
  3. Thanks for the information. I should hear back from Ages of Sail shortly. They recently placed an order with Sergal, I hope they still have the items in stock. I'll drop Model Expo/Shipways a ring about the 1mm grates.
  4. First I have to finish HMS Fly, at mast and yard building stage now...however I've done a good amount of research on the CS and am contemplating some kit bashing for deadeye stropping, bulwark stanchions, smaller grating. Sergal may have the older style stanchions for the railing. I'm working on that through "Ages of Sail" as well as some other fittings. Mark
  5. Thanks guys, I ordered the full set of plans from the CSM shop. Here's the info; Total in USD is about $48.00 Ordered last week I told they were dispatched today. The graphic didn't copy well but all the info is there. Product Option Code Quantity Item Price Total Cutty Sark - Sail plan Standard CS15934 - 141314 1 £4.00 £4.00 Cutty Sark - Rigging plan Standard CS11693 - 141314 1 £4.00 £4.00 Cutty Sark – General Arrangement plan Standard CS15936 - 141314 1 £4.00 £4.00 Goods Total: £12.00 Shipping Cost: £20.00 Order Total: £32.00 National Maritime Museum Enterprises Ltd Park Row Greenwich London SE10 9NF
  6. Thanks Bob and Marc, Everything you both suggested has been part of my thinking and research. I will be getting a copy of Campbell's plans. The CS will be my 14th build over a 30 year period. I just want to get the overall feel and active appearance in the finished model. Bob where did you order the plans from. Thanks again, Mark
  7. Great that is what I was thinking of doing and I'm glad to have it confirmed by someone on the site. Along with the oval deck hole did you rework the slots on the false keel or did you rework the lower mast below the deck to reflect the proper angle? Many thanks. Mark
  8. Hi folks, Hope you all had a good holiday and were able to put some building time in. In my research of the CS I have noted that the masts were raked in the resource books. Fore mast 86 degrees, 85 degrees main, 84 degrees mizzen. The kit plans and build keel slots are 90 degrees, that would make the masts dead on perpendicular to the deck. Has anyone one else confronted this issue, if so, did you fix it or not bother with this detail. I'm concerned that if I change the angle, the rigging for the shrouds would be off. Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Mark
  9. Hi, I've built the MS version of the kit... the finished product came out OK. i was not pleasedwith the quality of the wood supplied and the instructions (in English) left alot to be desired. Yes, it is recommended as a starter kit and there are plently of challenges to learn from. You may want to consider the MS Virginia Sloop as an alternative. I believe there are Utube clips on both the kits. I have no experience with the AL version. Welcome to the world of shipbuilding. Mark
  10. Gary thanks for the direction... I'll call AoS. I didnot recognize the part code numbers. Thanks again and Seasons greetings to you. Mark
  11. garym, I downloaded your order list for the stanchions and deadeye assembly, etc. Was this ordered placed through Mantua or Ages of Sail. I've delt with Ages of Sail before and was very pleased with their service. Looking forward to hearing from you. Mark
  12. Thanks for the input and good suggestions. Mark Phoenix, AZ
  13. Hi all, Has anyone built this verison of the Cutty Sark. I remember reading some place that this was a new release of the kit. Any feed back would be appreciated. I'm not to eager to put out 500+ for what the old Sergal version. Many thaks in advance. Mark
  14. Thanks for the posting...simple and easy
  15. Hi guys, I'm in the process of coppering my build of the HMS Fly with Amaticopper plates. Lookin OK to this point ( this is my first coppering). I am wonderinf what color the copper would turn after interacting with seawater (brown, green, black). I'm testing salt water, vineger, vinerger and salt in water. Any suggestions on what to use. Thanks in advance. Mark
  16. Hello, I'd like to upgrade my build of the Fly with coppering. the scale is 1/64th same as the Pegasus which has the same overall dimensions and comes with copper plates. Does anyone know the number of copper sheets needed for the job. I've found a supplier for the sheets but am lost as to the total needed. Many thanks in advance. Mark
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