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Everything posted by WEich1213

  1. Yes, I read about how to do that in a book I have. I might try it later to mold the boat along with the cannons. I think it would look a lot better.
  2. Thanks, I might redo it later with a different wood. I was using balsa sheets and they kept falling apart when I cut them. Maybe I'll use a harder wood and I'll be able to make it more accurate. Now I have to wait for a new shipment of wood. This is my first scratch model and I don't really know what I'm doing, but I'm learning more reading different posts in the forums.
  3. what kind of wood did you use for the deck and hull planking?
  4. Here's how I made the lifeboat. Didn't turn out as good as I wanted but it will work I guess.
  5. Here's how I made the lifeboat. Didn't turn out as good as I wanted but it will work I guess.
  6. Here's my first. The Albatross kit by Constructo. I didn't do a very good job on it but it was my first ship. Hopefully this will turn out a bit better.
  7. Here's some more pics. I couldn't upload them from my Mac so I used a Windows computer. Also, I'm using carbon paper to trace the parts from the plans.
  8. Hello, I've never posted to this site before so I hope I'm doing it right. I am building Sir Francis Drake's "Golden Hind," from plans by Mamoli. I've made one ship before from a kit, but this is pretty much the first scratch built ship I've tried to build. This is a fun hobby but I can't say I'm that good at it so far. I getting the wood from Corwall Models in England because they have a large selection, but it takes over a month for the wood to arrive here in California. If anyone knows of an online store that has a large wood selection in the U.S. please do tell.
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