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Posts posted by Garward

  1. Hi Garward,


    The grid is created by carving the acetaat, painted black and wiped off the black paint so it remains in the carves only. Take a look on the first page of my built log, there are some pictures how it is created for the doors of the machine room. Using mm paper to keep the carves in line. Now using a cotton swab instead of a brush which works more cleaner.


    Best regards,



    Thanks, John, I understood, it is good idea.

  2. Thanks Sjors, I knew something was wrong, but could not find out what. . .


    In the meantime have fitted the windows and door to the curved walls of the state-room. There are neither window nor door frames which I donot like. So used mahogany 0.6 mm to create a kind of frame.





    Hi, John, beautiful windows turned out. Of what you did grids on windows?

  3. Thank you all guys!


    I found a store close at my home who have all those stuff from Proxxon.

    So I bring them a visit to see what they have and what I can use.

    I'll take my drawings with me so they can see what I'm doing and what I need.

    I'll keep you posted on this.




    Hi, Sjors, You will show them drawings of that you do, and they will suggest you to buy only that they have  :) 

  4. To process or not treenails to diameter of openings in the deck - depends on a ratio of hardness of wood of the deck and treenails.  If hardness is close, it is better to process (an example - Montanes). 

    If the deck flooring is made of firm wood, it is possible not to process treenails. In the Bronze 24-pdr canone Le Fleuron model a deck flooring - the Brazilian maple (has some more names) the dense, firm wood close on color and properties to boxwood. Because of its hardness it is a pleasure to insert birch toothpicks: the conic part of a toothpick "is easily screwed in" in openings, after opening cleaning well keep a form.
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