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  1. You can't. It's an exclusive right now only available on a subscription basis in Germany. Your best bet is ebay after the run finishes in 2020.
  2. It's an editing/compatiblity thing. Using imgur as an image repository allows me to post the same update on a number of different sites at the same time without having to change things around individually on a per-site basis.
  3. Weather conditions and interference from some other projects had delayed work on the Scharnhorst for a while. I am happy to report that those are now dealt with and I'm fast catching up back to the original schedule. With issue 61 the remaining gaps in the second planking were closed up and the hull prepared for filling, sanding and priming. Issue 62: The hull after said filling, sanding and priming. This took.... a while. For climate reasons (too hot, too wet, too dark) and me being loathe to cover myself in a layer of horrible dust. Also my insistence on doing my sanding with hand tools and me never being happy with the result. Between the first picture and this one two months passed in total. I am now happy with the result. Issues 63-65: A build stand was built and the first half of deck planking was test fit on the deck. This is where you will be made painfully aware if you built a banana. So far things look ok. Issues 66-69: Bilge keels are built up from two layers of brass and fitted to the hull. This is why we need the build stand. And that's where we are right now.
  4. Scharnhorst issue 60 We continue second planking the belt armour in the middle of the ship We also test fit the barrels in the last main gun. Below all 3 turrets are pictured, as you an see, each a little bit different than the other.
  5. They're injection formed. The main problem was with issue 1 where they have these big cardboard sheets that they tape the issue and first parts to. So what happens is that these things sit in a delivery truck to the newsagents with a million other things atop crushing down on them while the sun beats down on that truck and raises the inner temperature to hotter-than-hell levels and at some point the sprue just gives up and suicides.
  6. Yeah, they're pretty nice. Though I do wish hachette wouldn't always choose the hottest days of the year to send them out. They did it with the first two turrets last years (and I needed the first one replaced 3 times till I got one that wasn't completely deformed) and did it again with the third one this year. Luckily it wasn't too squashed this time around and easily mended.
  7. Scharnhorst was already lost at that point. The guns of her sister "Gneisenau" though were used on the Atlantic Wall.
  8. Scharnhorst issue 59 Time to shake things up a bit from all that planking. We construct the third main guns body. Now you may be wondering what happened to its range finders. Shortly after Scharnhorst started its service, it turned out that her bow section was way too low and the ship took on an inordinate amount of water. It was decided she should receive an elevated "Atlantic" bow instead. So they cut of the bow section off of the ship, slapped on the higher bow aaaaaand it turns out the foremost main guns rangefinders sight was blocked by the new bow. So they cut those off to be used elsewhere.
  9. Scharnhorst issue 58 Been a while. Was on vacation, went to some festivals, ate awesome foods and worked on a lot of things in 1:1 scale in my apartment. With issue 58 we begin working on the second planking of the belt armor by sanding/chamfering and filling the edges of the deck plates so they form a harmonious line/curve with the belt armor planking below, then we add second planking on top, for now just in the bow section.
  10. The Sleeper car is available in the US at a few places I've seen. You can also send an email to Amati and they will send you the car with no shipping costs added (when they're back from vacation at the end of the month). It's what I did because the German distributer was sleeping on his job.
  11. Actually still no sanding yet. Sanding will start, when the second planking is finished on the belt armour. The sleeper car is the Orient Express by Amati, that James is building too. I think he has a log up somewhere... Fake edit: There we go:
  12. Scharnhorst issue 57 We start closing up the gap between the deck and the hull with a first layer of planks.
  13. Thanks Phil Scharnhorst issue 56 We close up the last gaps in the planking on the bottom of the hull and install about two dozen tiny tiny airducts on the deck structures. And I do mean TINY. Had to be careful not to sneeze This marks the 40 % completion point, so here's a full view of where we're at right now.
  14. Interesting. I'll have to take a look at that. Scharnhorst issue 55 We're closing up the bottom of the hull apart from two tiny gaps, which will be closed next time. Also there's some first work on Amatis Orient Express Sleeper Carriage in the background as a bonus.
  15. Scharnhorst issue 54 We finish cladding the stern deck structure in brass and add some more air conditioning equipment. All the deck structures have now received their outer walls.
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