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Everything posted by KimatHm

  1. Hey There...Henry...(Kim Here !!) Thanks for those pics...!!! What really caught my attention, was that you had said 'Friends from Rhode Island'...Both of my parents were from Rhode Island...(Providence, & Rumford), my friend !!! and it's always great to hear from, or about someone from the New England area, regardless of the relationship or connection method...!!! ( I haven't been back there in 40+ some years, and wanted to go back & visit with my Dad, before he passed away a year ago on New Years Eve-didn't make it into 2012)...but anyways, Thanks Agin, Mate !!! Blessings to Ya !!! Kim.
  2. Hi There Dognut, & NevadM...Kim Here...!!! I just happened to run across your posts while doing a search for some of my old posts, which were lost in Cyberland at MSW during the Crash...( So Sad !!) Anyway, I completed a 'Constructo' version of the Cutty, a few years ago, and although it was pretty exciting at the time, I was REALLY disappointed in the'Scale', and the proportions of many of the parts & pieces after completion...(I'm one of those 'perfectionists', and tend to modify TONS of stuff in all of the 'kits' and scratch builds that I've done over the years, as I go...I'll be posting some of these pictures again, before too long, and you'll be able to see the HUGE differences between the 'Constructo' version, & the others that I've completed..especially the 'Revell/Monogram' kits (Heavilly modified !!!) that I've recently finished...the 'Constructo' Kit looked 'Great' per the photo on the cover of the box/kit...But WHOA...!!! as I progressed with the build, the more frustrating, and difficult it became to correct the scale differences that were discovered...only too late...!!! Anyway, It DID turn out to be 'Okay' but I just thought I'd send along my 'words of caution' on this manufacture / vendor of the kit... ( Sorry, I didn't intend to compose a 'book' here...!!! Looking forward to hearing back from everyone again, after all of us get our build logs, and pictures replaced here at MSW...!!! Blessings everyone...!!! Kim
  3. Hi Guys, Just following the Posts...That is just Too Cool, Mate...!!! Way to go Henry ( Popeye2Sea)...!!! Outstanding...I'm SOOO Jealous, I'd REALLY like to do that in the near future, as soon as I can break-away from Colorado...!!! Keep up the good work guys...!!! Blessings, Kim
  4. Ahoy There, Force 9...!!! Kim Here... I've been following your log for awhile now, and I'm finding your work, and 'Instinctive, & Innovative' modifications excellent, to say the least...!!! I too, (along with many others !) had several posts ( along with my membership stuff to MSW!!)& photos lost somewhere in 'cyberland' after the MSW crash...anyway, I've been modeling for close to 50 some years now...( Just gave away the age here !!) and I'm pretty impressed with your work, especially with the modifications...I had done some of the same type of modifications on my Cutty Sarks' ( I always built my ships in pairs...one with, and another without the sails ) , especially when it came to replacing the dead-eyes, & belay pins with metal, or wood ones, after drilling out the parts that were supplied with the kits...It just didn't seem to do a beautiful build justice, by ruining it with the plastic replicas, in the rigging department,...of course it takes a LOT of work, and endless patience, but it's well worth it when the 'Jaws Drop' and the reviews , and compliments come, let alone just feeling the sense of accomplishment...!!! Anyway, I just finished another pair of 'Cuttys' (for Myself this time !!), and I was actually pretty impressed with how I was able to modify the set of 'plastic' sails that were supplied with a kit from 1959 (!!!) ...It took 4' water-color' acrylic shades to achieve a most impressive 'weathered' and realistic / cloth like appearance to the finished Ships...in their cases...( I'll send photos if desired ) and will be more than happy to offer tips for getting the same results, if you wish, since I'm still attempting to 're-build' my old build logs, that were lost...Additionally, I was able to locate a company in Michigan, that was superb in replicating the old waterslide decals, in PE brass ( very expensive, but well worth it, to myself, and to the integrity of the finished Ship...) I didn't intend to write a 'book here, but I mainly wanted to extend my compliments, on some VERY EXCEPTIONAL work your doing...Keep it up, matey, and many Blessings your way...!!! Thanks for your posts ...!!! Kim
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