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Everything posted by KimatHm

  1. HI Dave, and crew (following !!) Here's a couple of pice of the stock that I have, and that I plan on building some time...One of these ( the 'Museum Issue' ) was lpurchased at a nearby 'Wal-Mart Sized' Antique Mall, By Accident Really !!!, and I was able to purchase it for ...are you ready for this..???!!! $ 13.00 ...and it was Complete...!!! The Owners of the booth, ( that was unattended ) obviously had NO IDEA what they had their hands on...I got it about 2 years ago now...One of the oldest kits has now been reduced to parts only ( still LOTS of parts !!) and is dated ( one of them that I've completed, with sails, has 'Revell-Monogram 1959' in raised lettering on the deck ( as proof of age now, when viewed with the Magnifier ('Sherlock !!') Bring Back some Memories...???!!! Kim
  2. Hi Jay...Beautiful work on the mills...!!! Thanks for the brief, on the history, and the types they are, and their purposes...!!! Great Hobby...Modeling...Ehh??? Kim
  3. The Windmill is Awesome...!!! They're really fun projects to build, as are Lighthouses...!!! ( I have several that I really need to get back to work on...!!!
  4. Hi Jay... Hey There...Pretty Impressive Photos going on there with the rigging process on your web log site...!!! Looking forward to the 'to be continued' Rigging, Part Deux, when you get back to it...Should bepretty informative...and the photos are really Sharp...Nice Going...!!! ... Kim
  5. Hello Again, Andy...!!! Kim Here...!!! Once Again, I would like to thank You for all of the time you spent on the photography and detailed explanations of how you approached , contemplated, modified as needed, and completed each step of the build...!!! After some 50+ years of modeling both the Plastics and Wooden Scale Ships from all of the notable manufacturers, and delving into countless hours of research in order to deal with accuracies, etc.,...I STILL find myself ( even at this late modeling hour !!) Referring to the methods that you have chosen as a formidable BASELINE for the work I'm doing on my Constitutions (always one with, and one without sails, simultaneously ...a DOUBLE pain in the back sometimes !! ) As a personal REWARD for your efforts and dedication to the MSW and Shipwrights everywhere, and with you're being so close, compared to our other followers, just North of me in Ft. Collins, I would like to help you with your efforts, if still incomplete (???), in providing you with a Custom Built Display Case, at NO CHARGE whatsoever to you...!!! As I have recently become rather good at building my own Cases in this last year.....Seriously...I feel that you deserve it, and at the same time, you'll discover how relatively simple, and inexpensive it is to complete a lifetime of protection for your Ship.inet..!!! Let me know, via this topic thread, or by Private Message if you wish, and I'll proceed to start Cutting the lumber for your Cabinet / Case...Okay...???!!!! ( You can view my cases at the 'Display Case' Topic here at MSW ) Looking forward to hearing back from You, and Thanks, and Blessings once again for Posting such a Great Build Log for all of us...!!! .... Kim
  6. I Concur with all...Popeye, and Dave ( especially with the 'Famous' 3-Way deck on all Revell Ships ( But for the 24" Thermopylae, & Cuttys' ) I've always been very pleased with Revell, and have a 'Really Nice' relationship with Ed Sexton, Director of marketing, ( He's the confirmation RE: "No Cancellation of the U.S.S. Constitution" that I mentioned previously...) Anyway...Pics are in progress of the Three ( 3 ) sizes of eyebolts... and preformed 'dead-eyes' that came in all of the kits that Popeye's mentioned ( ( I've also had the pleasure of building them all previously, in my younger days, and now have the experience from the 'wooden ships' to apply to the 'plastics', and thus combine the two styles to make a truly intriguing model ship...!!!...and thanks to all of the hundreds of failures and screw-ups, mistakes, and throw-aways that lead to our experiences...eh?? !!!)
  7. Hi Dave...(and followers !!)...Kim Here...!!!! I haven't added anything lately, however, I've been following the build, along with everyone else !! Your work continues to be inspiring for us 'Detail Freaks' I suppose....at least for myself anyway !! I did run into the 'Eyebolt' issue, (the oversize, & 'optical' scale issue, and went through my 'parts' in the deep....from the older 'Cuttys' and 'Thermopylaes' that I have, and found that their eyebolts, by inj. molding, were almost...get this...1/2 the size of the ones furnished with the Connie...a real 'Double-Taker' (if you will..!!) ( I'd never used any of these before, due to making my own at the time of construction, et al )...This was certainly handy when needing to add them to the cannons (when Revell doesn't supply them automatically with the kit...unfortunately.)... on each 'Tree' from both the Cutty. and Thermopylae, there are only 44 available in each kit...(I'll supply a photo shortly)...fortunately, I had enough older kits in stock to do this, and have enough to complete all requirements for the never ending need for 'Part 13' .Anyway, All...Blessings, and keep the postings coming ...!!! Kim
  8. Thanks for the Dermablade suggestion & Hint...I'll definitely be purchasing a supply of them...I usually purchase items such as these from my old Dental supply house, but are they available to the Public (Hopefully !!!) and is there a Major Supplier that you could recommend for us...??? Thanks, Kim
  9. Hi There Nenad...Thanks for asking...I concur Completely with Lou Van Wijhe...He has done extensive research, and constructed as many, or more (!!!) Cuttys' as I have, and the angle you're attempting to verify is proven by the drawings that he's submitted...!!! It's good to see him back on board, as I was following his (Very Impressive) build log a year or so ago... Take care, and keep it up...!!! Kim
  10. My Apologies, also...I believe we, (I) the moderators were able to help me get this info in the proper place for 'Help & Reference' forums... Your work remains inspiring...!!! Kim
  11. Another brief note on Steve Priske, everyone...He's served as a 'Mentor' for me for a many, many, years now, and has also dedicated a HUGE number of hours for the benefit of modelers, and shipwrights directly on 'You-Tube', to share his techniques with a 'visual' effect...One of my all-time favorites, was his method of 'rigging Dead-Eyes' from One Side, without having to turn, or adjust your assembly...Pretty Cool...!!! - Again, check him out, and follow a couple of the links to his builds, and finished ships, for some fantastic info. ( Incredible...!!! ) Kim
  12. Hey Mates...!!! Thanks for the comment on the procedure John ! I wish that some of these forums had been around many years ago, myself...!!! So many brilliant, and innovative modifications & techniques that I might have been able to apply & attempt, that I had NO IDEA how to try, except for 'screwing up' horribly, and having to find a way to fix...!!! I'd like to post a web site address that I've used for YEARS, for a man that became so dedicated to the 'Art' of being the 'Shipwright' he's very well recognized, and has given me personally TONS of inspiration in my builds... The site is ' http://www.tallshipsofsanfrancisco.com , and the gentleman's name is Steve Priske...( can be found just by 'Googleing' his name, in order to find his work...and discoveries...) He is TRULY a GRANDMASTER at ship building, in my opinions...His work is absolutely magnificent, at minimum....I'd look forward to some feedback on his work, if anyone cares to share...??? Thanks Guys !!! Kim
  13. Hey Mod 12...Nice work, and definitely done correctly, as far as I can see from your pics...!!! Rigging the sails surely requires the patience equal to the Saints...!!! Good work on your build log...Keep it up...!!!... Kim
  14. I would also like to have a supplemental e-mail address, to contact you, (if you wouldn't mind sharing )so as not to 'bombard' or interrupt your build log...My apologies in advance for doing so...I feel that I have been 'rude' in doing so... Thanks, Kim
  15. BTW, Oh Yeah, additionally, on my build, I've stuck to my old method of using the 'Minwax' (Colonial Oak) Stain method on my decks...although it takes much longer to dry, but as far as 'filling the dreadful seams', and giving a more 'wooden' and authentic appearance...It's the best I ever figured out...I'll be sending along a Pic here & there, since I'm not posting a 'build log'...you guys are MUCH better at that, than I am...I really look forward to you logs...!!! (Sample Pics attached of the deadeye replacements, and the belay pins used, from my 'Cutty Sarks', that will also reveal the effect of the 'stain' on the decks...from previous builds...!! Kim
  16. Hi Dave, John, Dan, & everyone...Just chiming in here again...Quick question on the replacement belay pins...I believe you ordered yours from MS (or Model Expo...)...I just wasn't sure if you had ordered the wood, or the metal @ 5mm (I've mostly used the wooden style, only I had my local Hobby shop man, (Jerry, from Thompsons' Hobbies) order them for me, and I believe the 'Brand' or Mfg. has been 'Latina' which have always been fine, just a 'wee bit' oversized, and they have always sufficed, and done the job...(Makes for a much better, and authentic looking ship, as far as I'm concerned ...as well as for the deadeyes...!!!)...Also ...are you drilling out the plastic after shaving off the pins, or remaking the rails out of wood (Pine, Balsa, etc.)...I've used both methods, depending upon how badly I screw up the drilling !!!??? From what I have, and will probably order for this build, ( I'm currently at the early stages, and have gratefully been following your log as a kind of a 'baseline', if you will, for some suggestions when I find myself curious..."I wonder how they're handling this...??" I'm guessing you are going to use the metal pins...??? Thanks again, and Blessings, Kim..!!
  17. Hey Texan5...I finally found your gallery...Really Nice work !!! By the way...If you need a lead on building a case, I found an excellent source, and mentor for building the cases that I've displayed on my 'Cuttys' ( in my gallery ) You can easily save the $ 400.00+ quoted by some of our suppliers by building your own...I was really pretty impressed when I finished, as I'm NO carpenter by any means, and did them both, plus the table on the right, completely in the living room of my modest apartment , with a Home Depot Miter Box...!! (the only exception was having a 1/8" groove for the glass, cut by one of the techs with TONS of experience in carpentry, at his home, for No Charge...and even He was pretty impressed with the case design)...I'd be happy to send you a PDF file on the design method, which I paid appx. $12.00 for via amazon...which I found by accident if you wish, and if it will help...!!! Blessings...Kim
  18. Neat Trick...!!! That worked out rather nice...!! I'm Impressed...Being innovative always deserves a 'Kudos' !! Kim
  19. Hi Jay...Glad to hear that you discovered another / additional method for dressing the sails...I remember using starch years ago, but then my moms' supply had run out...due to me !!!...and thus, I ended up with the hairspray method.....Oh Yeah...Keep up the practicing...the 'F' chord will eventually become a 'breeze'...!!!...Kim
  20. And, Last of all... about your 'knife burn' tragedy...If you need any replacement 'Spar' or 'Gun' deck parts, or pieces, I do have 2-3 spares of each (complete) available, if necessary, at no charge of course, if needed...Just let me know, Okay...??!! ( I'm done now...!!! ) Kim
  21. Also, rewinding back to the 'Pictures' on the walls of the Captains quarters...( I'll forward pictures, shortly...) I was able to (thanks to you're work, and methods !!) make 'Micro-Miniature' 'Photo-Pictures' that will actually FIT the FRAMES on the walls in his quarters...!!! I was amazed that it was possible...I was simply attempting to 'experiment' with an attempt...! Again...Welcome back...!!!! Kim
  22. Welcome back...!!! I may be a bit ahead of things here, but I wanted to add a little note...(I was questioned today about methods, and wanted to pass this post along to you !)...about 'Sails' (if you're adding them, or not...)...'Hairdressing the Sails'...Just a suggestion here, if I may..!!?? An old trick that I've used for years that has always worked out very well, and has also stood the test of time, (in a lot of years, now...!!!)...When your going for the appearance of a 'weathered' and 'billowed' sail that would give the look of being at sea with moderate, to heavy winds...and especially if you're doing cloth sails, (regardless of the type of material you're using, such as muslin, or just regular 'sheet' cloth), I have in fact used the 'Fan' Method' (the 'fan' being an adjustable strength hair dryer ) after giving the sails a very slight spray of warm water, from an old spray bottle, that allows a 'mist' spray, and then (here's the 'trick' !!) from behind the sails, as if being 'the wind' itself, give s slight mist spray with a good brand ( I will suggest TRESemme') Hair Spray...!!! ( an all day humidity resistance type) for really good hold when it all dries, in a very short period of time...Hair spray alone, appx. 3 minutes total, and if possible using a 'soft blow' hair dryer, set to LOW HEAT...Hair Spray with WET sails, appx. 15 minutes, with a hair dryer, and up to 35-45 minutes without, allowing for additional 'molding' with fingers (be careful though, it's really sticky !!) or preferably with moderately swift strokes of a medium sized paint brush...but again, remember its really sticky !! The overall final appearance is really satisfying, and the 'trick' will always bring am 'Oh Really ??' look from those you pass it along to...Best of luck...try it on a couple of 'sample sails, for 'kicks and grins' 'til you're satisfied with your 'skills' at 'hairdressing' the sails...!!! Blessings, Kim...!!!
  23. Hi Jay...... Just a suggestion here, if I may..!!?? An old trick that I've used for years that has always worked out very well, and has also stood the test of time, (in a lot of years, now...!!!)...When your going for the appearance of a 'weathered' and 'billowed' sail that would give the look of being at sea with moderate, to heavy winds...and especially if you're doing cloth sails, (regardless of the type of material you're using, such as muslin, or just regular 'sheet' cloth), I have in fact used the 'Fan' Method' (the 'fan' being an adjustable strength hair dryer ) after giving the sails a very slight spray of warm water, from an old spray bottle, that allows a 'mist' spray, and then (here's the 'trick' !!) from behind the sails, as if being 'the wind' itself, give s slight mist spray with a good brand ( I will suggest TRESemme') Hair Spray...!!! ( an all day humidity resistance type) for really good hold when it all dries, in a very short period of time...Hair spray alone, appx. 3 minutes total, and if possible using a 'soft blow' hair dryer, set to LOW HEAT...Hair Spray with WET sails, appx. 15 minutes, with a hair dryer, and up to 35-45 minutes without, allowing for additional 'molding' with fingers (be careful though, it's really sticky !!) or preferably with moderately swift strokes of a medium sized paint brush...but again, remember its really sticky !! The overall final appearance is really satisfying, and the 'trick' will always bring am 'Oh Really ??' look from those you pass it along to...Best of luck...try it on a couple of 'sample sails, for 'kicks and grins' 'til you're satisfied with your 'skills' at 'hairdressing' the sails...!!! Blessings, Kim...!!!
  24. Thanks Lambsbk !!! I'd love to get back there again soon !! Can't wait to see the Atlantic again...!!! Some pics, & my old build logs, and 'Gallery' of completed Ships are 'To Follow' shortly !!!! I hope we're not 'blogging' down your Build Log with the 'Idle Chat'....( Build Logs always seem to get 'carried awash' this way, with everyone!!!...BUT...Good friendships are born this way...!! Blessings, all, Kim
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