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Everything posted by Gerhardvienna

  1. Hi Brian, and all others who re still interested in my CAIRO- Build Yes, it`s been a long tme since I`ve posted here, but I am most of the time busy with what I call Covid-care for my parents, the two are almost 90 ans 88 years of age, so there si almost no time for modelmaking. But family goes first, all teh other stuff will have to wait, till we all have got our Covid vaccination, will take time till we all have it. Just after that I will be able to make progress on all of my builds, but nothing is cancelled! Best regards Gerhard, and thank you for your interest!
  2. All pics saved, now I know, why I`m placing so many of them in forums. Almost nothing is lost, currently working to redraw all my 3D-construction parts, including the wheel and engine parts. Thankfully (to myself☺️) I always keep all the steps I make not only on the PC but on paper too. Everything I`ve made in 3D is still here, but will take some days to redraw. Most of the gun barrels are done, now it goes to the engine and wheel parts. Best regards and stay well! Gerhard
  3. Hi Friends!! Nice to have such a welcome back!! Next thing to do for me is to save all my pics from this thread back to my PC, and then have a new restart. Fortunatly I "save" most of my pictures in the building reports, so I can have a good base for the build. CU soon with new pics, when the "old things" are saved! Best regards Gerhard
  4. So WELL!!!!!!! I`m BACK!!! That means, I`m back for model making, after some other troubles to handle. But now i am well and ready to have a new start with the CaIRO first to build. I`ve re-read where I was with the build before, checked the started ship, no breaks and no failures till now, what is important for the upcoming things to do. BUT: By a computer failure i`ve lost all the Bob Hill plans, so if anybody has them, would be great to have them back! I will have to rescale the paddlewheel, most of my former 3D Drawings are lost too. But I can still work on the hull, planking is to make, and I can work on the guns . All the barrels are drawn ready for the 3D printer, so there will come more in short time! Best regards Gerhard
  5. Hi Eberhard I WILL search for them, but have to take a look first, wich one of the files I have saved on my PC yet, but not on the dropbox file. Thanks for the hints, goin` searchin`...................... Best Regards Gerhard
  6. Hi Eberhard I expected that there must be much more of Kameke, but did not find all of it! If you would have links for us could be really helpful! Best regards Gerhard
  7. Hi druxey I just "fell" over it by searching for marks of prussian cannons, did not find them but the green albums.............. More about the prussian guns is to be found in the files called "Kameke". Feel ALL free to save the albums and the other files on your PC! That are the things that should be saved by so many as possible! Best regards Gerhard
  8. Hi hobbydoor That would be great, so we could have the full set of the green albums! I`ve missed them as I downloaded the parts I have, but there were no link to find for them. Naturally I would be interested in the marks of Austria and Germany, but all the other volumes too! Best regards Gerhard
  9. Hi Burce Glad to read that! By the way, the "Kameke" is very interesting too, lots of information i nerev had before I "fell" over it. Maybe too interesting for you is the file "British smooth bore artillery" lots of infos too! Best regards Gerhard
  10. Hi Bruce Dont worry, just visit! I`ve posted the link for everyone, hope it works fine for you all! Please give some response if you´ve tried, that would be nice1 best regards Gerhard
  11. Hi hobbydoor Here is the link to my dropbox, there are some more interesting things about historic guns to find! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/r59trorjaggt8p4/AABJumuA1cUu6Xdou-dsPFEza?dl=0 Best regards Gerhard
  12. Hey popeye Thank you for condolences! BUT: There is no bad without a good.................... We have got part of inheritance, so my admiral has some new stuff, and I have a brand new 3D printer to build, and some extra money for different materials to buy. And there is still father-in- law`s car to sell, more stuff to get for us all . Sound a bit greedy, but things are to be done! Best regards Gerhard
  13. Hi Johnhoward I will have to re-read that report of your build, I`m sure that I`ve missed a lot of it! Waiting to see even more of that superbe model................... Regards Gerhard
  14. Hi Johnhoward SLOWLY I`ll find back to my former shape, at the moment I`m checking out how far i had built my projects, and then I can start again. All the models are in good condition, so the restart will not be too far away from now Regards Gerhard
  15. Hi Friends Thank you so much! I`ll be back in hopefully short time, and then continue with my builds. At the time I`ve just too much other things to handle, and received my 3D-Printer this past week, so I have something to do, and not to think too much about all that mess..................... Regards Gerhard
  16. Hi Carl Sorry for missing attention, there were a lot of hard times for me and my admiral Sabina. Admirals dad died from cancer in his bladder, admiral herself has suffered pneumonia and is still not at 100% fit, so there is some more time to spend forher recreaction. Model making has to have a break till everything is back to normality..................... BUT: The CAIRO and all the other projects are not cancelled, just waiting! Best regards Gerhard
  17. Just spechless............. My prayers to his family and friends! Gerhard
  18. Liar I would break my fingers before only one of that small boats look like your do! RESPECT!
  19. Seems to be a lot of work, dusty and dirty! Wishing you a nice vacation would be ironic........................... Regards Gerhard
  20. Great job on that boilers! Now I have a clue how they should look like. All pics saved for further use................. Regards Gerhard
  21. Great small boat! And nice video too! Regards Gerhard
  22. Hi Johnhoward Great progress with your St. Louis! While I`m struggling with some smaller issues at home (need a new water boiler for my bathroom....), I have to make a little break with the Cairo Regards Gerhard
  23. Hi Nenad I would make the boats with all interior, and then decide how to place them. Nobody will be sad, if they are not in a 100% original position. I think, a good way to show them, will be as shown in the second photo, and that single boat as shown in the first. But I would use no canvas covers, just to show the interior! Regards Gerhard
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