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About costeo

  • Birthday 05/12/1965

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  • Location
    Constanta, Romania

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  1. Hi all! Just small progress, gunport hinges looks to be ready... wow, what about to fix them!
  2. Hi Michael, This was my way to prepare the fiddle-blocks and shoe-blocks: I just wait any post in your topic, Costi
  3. Hi all, The easy part, to complete the rigging accessories, it's almost ready! Dead eyes are also enough, now. The hard side begin, what I have to do with these? All the best. Costi
  4. Hi Everybody, The special blocks have been in manufacturing!
  5. Hi! I experienced something else... the hinges for gunports! The solutions from the doors didn't satisfy me and I tried to find another solution.
  6. Hi, Michael! Your topic became a tutorial for me for the next my rigging work! Go ahead, I'll just wait every yours posts!
  7. Hi, Edwin! All the best! I'll try to stay now long time in the "shipyard"!
  8. Hello everybody, I come back to my "yard". I tried to prepare some "special" blocks...
  9. Hi I think I'm ready with the blocks, about 500 pcs. Unfortunately for the next months the time for modelling it will be very, very short.
  10. Thank you, Michael! Very nice words... yes, really, is my first experience, but it was my dream. When I started to post, the name of my topic was "starting from a kit" and then was automatically changed. I don't know how to change the header.... sorry!
  11. Hi! I applied a recognized solution for finish the blocks...
  12. No, the kit quality isn't so good... I didn't use nothing from the kit! Everything is scratch build!
  13. Thank you! I preparing 4 blocks dimensions... 4.0, 4.5, 5.0 and 5.5 mm. In the picture are only first three dimensions. For the running rigging I preparing 0.25, 0.30, 0.35, 0.45, 0.50 mm rope. In the picture are only first four dimensions.
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