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About PageT

  • Birthday 10/24/1942

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    Cumberland, Maryland USA
  • Interests
    Modeling of ships and Ship Cannons--Golf-Reading-Crossword and Jig Saw Puzzles. Any small wood working projects DIY.

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  1. Bill. I have been at my POB build for a year. Finishing up the standing rigging. I am also using Bob Hunts practium. I am also a newbie and this was my first really kit to build. It has and is a learning experience no matter what material you are using. The practium and forums such as this one really help. I use this one along with Lauuks Forum. I do not have a build log as I am not very computer savy to take photos etc. My shop is an ongoing project adding tools and supplies as I go along. I am also building Old Naval Cannons as a sideline tto break up the tedioous work with the Pride My Pride is good but not like the one's posted by others. It amazes me how they can make it sound and looks so easy and so good but it comes with just keeep working at it until it makes sense. The satisfaction one gets when working with wood and seeing it come together is such a great feeling and satisfaction to one's spirit. I gave up this hobby about 40 years ago and it is the best thing I do now that I am retired. I am going to have my kids show me how to post pictures so I can start a build log. Any tips as to jigs-tools-supplies you have found in your work as a cabinet maker and now a ship builder is welcome. One of the best tools I have bought is a Dermel Moto Saw along with the Dermel Hand Drill. The three handed alligator clip stand is priceless. After thekeel and bulwarks are installed I use a swivel vise to hold the model while I plank it and install the decking and fixtures. Comes in handy also while rigging as you can move yor model around easy to get at things. Paget
  2. Rich I too am a "Newbie" and want to start on a Connie when I finish my Pride of Baltimore. Finishing up the standing Rigging now. How do I get in touch with Phil's Hobby Shop? II know you can find the Constructo Connie kit at most on=line Hobby outlets but would be ibnterested in seeing what Phil has available. I am like you in building up my tools and work area plus spare parts of wood-building materials and fittings. I hope to start the connie in November and as you have started maybe I can pick your skill. I will be using Bob Lauck's Forum for help also. Look forward to working wwith you PageT
  3. Chuck. Please let me know when you are ready to ship. I too like to stock pile rigging blocks. Page T theshankliins@atlanticbb.net
  4. Thanks Kevin. I too have bookmarked this site. Page T
  5. Jocoby I am now rigging my Pride. All is done except that. Pretty satisfied with my model so far after thirty years of not doing any modeling. Made a few mistakes "Earl Shived" them. Rigging is hard for me due to fat arthhetic fingers. I am using Bob Laucks forum for my build and it has helped me alot especially neew ways to build. I think he should incorporate your building the frames to the deck furniture before decking as you did. Looking forward to finishing the Pride mid summer. I think I need to build my next ship to a larger scale 1:76 to 1:90 so I can manipulate and see the deadeyes and parts better. I am ok with the building of the keel, etc. planking-masts and yards just the small items. When I am done I will post a photo of my Pride. Good luck and your Pride looks reeeeal good! Page
  6. Idf this is in the wrong forum please move it. I'm sort of getting back into ship modeling after thirty years. I am building Model Shipways Pride of Baltimore and need a display stand 24" X 9" X 1/2" Thick. Looked at most of the vendors but none are over 6" wide. I hate to try and make one as I have no router etc. I'm using the practimum of Lauck for my build and he is using this size and I want to continue along with his directions as they are really helping me get back into modeling again especially witgh all of the new kits-tools-and methods to build. While I am asking does anyone know where you can get already built ship cannons which include the 1" barrels-carriage and tucks. Page T
  7. Officer Cadet. That's about what I thought after goofing up several deck fittings. I try and not paint an area where I will be glueing the item to something else. Someone said if you do not you end up only glueing to glue. I bought one of those waterline marking devices which I will use to mark the lines and then apply the tape. What is the best tape? Masking-vinyl-electrical? Do you apply poly-acrylic to your fittings prior to painting? I have heard Badger Paints are the best but having a hard time in finding a supplier for them. PageT
  8. I am just getting back into modeling after 35 years. A lot has changed especially the kits. I am older now and my hands are not as steady, also with a recent heart attach my stamina and nerves are a little off. What are somw tips on painting wood ship models? Do you paint as you go along, i.e. before you put the parts together or install them? How do you paint the waterline? How about the plank sheer-wales and bulwarks. Looking at some model ships members have done the detailed painting is unbelievable. Any help is appreciated. Good Forum. I had belonged to Lauck's Forum but he shut it down recently. Page T
  9. Jcoby I like how you framed in the comings prior to adding the deck. Trying to install the comings and paint them while building the actual deck steructgure is really taking alot of time and frustration in the detailed painting. Too late for me now with my Pride but on my next build I will use this technique. Your Pride looks great. I have finished planking-installed the bulwarks-Transom and finished all of the deck structures. I am now painting them along with the bulwarks and planksheer. I think I should have painted as I went along as it is real hard now to get into tight areas without overlapping the paint. Someone told me you could not paint an item before you glued it as the glue would stick to the paint and not the structure. Still I am enjoying the build and getting back into modeling after 30 years. PageT Cumberland, Md
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